Chapter 8

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I have about an hour left till I get to Jarens house. The closer and closer I get to his house the more I think about why I'm doing this. As I'm driving up to a red light I get a text from John.


Hey are you almost here?


Yea just about 15 minutes away


Ok hurry up

And with that the light turns green and I'm off again to Smits house.


As I arrive at Jarens house I'm greeted by him outside telling me where to park. As I get out of my car I grab my bags and go with Smit inside. I walk in and the first person to greet me is John. "Y/N! HEY GORGEOUS". John has always told me I'm beautiful ever since he first met me and I love that he does. "JOHNNY BOY, HEY HANDSOME". As I walk up to John and give him a hug I see Matt. I feel my face starting to heat up so I turn to my brother and ask him where I will be staying. Jaren shows me to were I will be sleeping and I start to unpack my belongings. John knocks on the door and asks to come in witch I said he could. "Hey why were you getting pretty red out there?" "Huh? I wasn't getting red John your just seeing things" "Mhm Smit told me about your little crush on Matt". I turned around and stared at John for a minute. "Well" I said. I went back to putting my stuff up and out my suitcase in the closet. I was going to ask John about Matt but decided against it. "Why did it have to be one of my brothers friends" I thought. It's like John could read my mind. "You know it's not your fault that you like Matt". I turned and look at him and look at him questionable." I know that he's one of his best friends but maybe you guys would work" John said. I walked out of the room not answering John going to go see what my brother was doing. "Hey Jaren" I said. "Hey Y/n, what's up?" "I was just wondering what we were going to do for dinner?"
Jaren sat there for a minute to think. "I have no idea, ask Matt". I looked at him and then went over to talk to Matt.

Heyo, sorry this isn't the long chapter I promised but hey it's something. I hope y'all like it and I promise I will start writing more 🙃

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