Chapter 16

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*TW warning there will be another when the part is coming up and after. Hope y'all enjoy*


That's Matt voice I heard I know it. As I thought to myself as I was changing there was a knock on the bathroom door. *Knock* "One second please" I said. I think who ever it was waited at the door kindly. I walk and open the door to see John. "Oh hi John" I said while walking past him into our now shared room. "Hey Y/n come with me" Matt said looking at John like he did something wrong. What is happening? "Um ok I'll come I guess, I'll be right back John ok?" "Yea ok". John said walking in and laying down.

Matt was taking me outside? Does he not see me in shorts??

"So why did you bring me out here for?" I said shivering a little bit. "Oh I have to tell you something and here". He gave me.. his jacket. "Oh no Matt it's fine I don't want you to be cold too" I said looking at him. He just started at me I wonder why though.

Matt pov:

I have her my jacket because I could tell she was cold. She told me that she didn't want me to be cold too but I didn't care she ment more too me then being warm. I started staring at her, I just want to kiss her so bad but...I can't do that to John. Ah fuck it. I grabbed her face and she look at me with her beautiful e/c eyes. "May I?" She nodded very fast witch made me laugh a little. Then it happened... I kissed her and she kissed me back! After a short but long feeling time we both let go. She hugged me and I decided to finally tell her. "Y/n" I said "Yea Matt?" She muffled into my chest. " I have this big ass crush on you and I don't know how your going to feel about it but..." She kissed me again. "I like you too Matt." She said after she pulled away.

John pov:

I was looking out the window to see Matt and Y/n. Is he going to tell her? He gave her his jacket,and then started starting at her. Oh no. He put his hands on her face, I guess asked her something because she nodded her head yes very fast. He, he kissed her... And she kissed him back. I knew I wouldn't have a chance with her but, at least she is smilingly like an idiot.

Y/n pov:


*It's the next dayyyyy*

I woke up in my bed not knowing how the hell I got there. John was sitting at my desk on his computer. John heard me start to get up and turned around. " Hey sleepyhead" "hey Johnny boy" I said with a slight smile. I went to check my phone to see it was 12:00. WAIT FUCK I GOTTA PICK UP PUFFER, SHITTTT. I hurried into the bathroom to change and get ready. Matt was watching me like a crazy man. "Y/n? You know your not gonna be late right..." "What do you mean I'm not gonna be late he gets here at 12:15 and the airport is 30 minutes away". "Y/n his getting in at 1:00. That's why we let you sleep and we were gonna wake up up at 12:15." "Oh" I feel stupid now. " You wanna come with me Matt?" "Uhh I think smit is gonna go with you actually" "oh Otay". I went to my brother's room and knocked on the door. *Knock* "Come in" Jaren said. "Hey you wanna leave now because I want Starbucks..." Smit laughed and said "yea let me change really quick." I left his room sitting the door behind me and went to the kitchen. I seen Matt and gave him a hug of course. He looked down at me ( your about 5'6) and he smiled. He looked at me and whispered in my ear "May I?". I nodded yes and he bent down to kiss me and of course I kissed him back. We both heard Smii7y coming down the hall so we pulled away. Jaren walked in talking to Matt and asked if I was ready. I said yes and we went to my car.

*After picking up puffer and going back to smits*

Y/n pov:
When we finally pulled up to jaren's house and got everything out of the car John came up to me. "Hey Y/n can I talk to you?" "Yea sure,hey well be right back guys." I said to the three boys. John leads me into my room and tells me to sit on the bed. "Y/n I have something to tell you." "Ok what's up handsome?" John blushes like alot. Does he always blush when I say that? " Ok I don't know how to say this." "John I already know." He looked confused. "Wait how" " "the first night when you showed me the video of me and I went to the bathroom" I stopped to see if he was listening and he was "I was coming out of the bathroom and I heard you and my brother talking and you said you liked me" I said as I looked down. John looks at me and walks up to me. He hugs me and I could tell he want to say something so I waited. "I seen you and Matt yesterday and I know you like him so it's fine if you don't want to be with me  beautiful." He said sounding..sad

"John.. how long have you liked me?" "Scene we first met" "well then why are you just tell me now?" "Because I knew you always liked Matt and I didn't wanna get in the way of that". "Thank you for telling me John,can I just be alone for a little bit please" "of course text me if you need me, and Y/n I love you" " you too". After John left I got up and locked the door and sat on my floor thinking.

*TW abusive relationships I'm sorry. You can skip if you want I'll put the end of the tw where you can read on🙃*

I started to cry thinking about what I should do. Its like my last relationship with a boy named Tyler (not wildcat we love and stand him here). Tyler hates when I would talk to other people like Tyler and Brock. The only person I was allowed to talk to was Jaren but he always looked at our texts. If he seen something that he doesn't like or thinking I'm going to leave him he would lock me into the bathroom for that weekend. After a while I kept begging him to let me go to Wildcats 4th of July party he finally said yes. It was my chance to get my life back and escape.

While on my flight I was going to tell my brother bus decided against it that I'll tell John. It would be the first time seen him in person but anything I can do. After I got off the plane I got a ride to Wildcats and change into a tank top crop top. I want to show everyone what has happened to me so maybe I can get help. As I walked in all eyes were on me, people asking if I was ok or hurt. Then smit started walking down the stairs then seen me. He stopped dead in his tracks. He looked my body up and down seeing every bruise and scar that I had. He ran too me and hugged me asking what was wrong. I finally told him. That was 2 years ago.

I still have scars from everything. I have tattoos covering almost all of my scars. I have vines with white roses up my arm so nobody could see the scars. I have a rose on my thigh where the biggest one was.

End of tw 🙃

As I zoned back in I could hear Jaren banging on the door but I could handle him seeing me like this. I knew he had keys to the door so I just waited. As he unlocked the door he seen my sitting and crying and ran to me. "Y/n what happened??" "John told me he liked me and then he told me that he knows I like Matt and I don't know what to do" "Y/n crying on the floor doesn't help" he said and we both stayed silent.

After a while I calmed down and felt better. "Jaren" "yea Y/n?" "I wanna show the tattoo I got for u" I said showing him a little milk bag with his little hat. "Y/n I love it" " I knew you would and anyway I can support you I will, and I wanted to tell you that I love you so very much brother" "thank you y/n and I love you too sister.

Smii7y pov:

I walk out to find Matt. "MATT" I screamed scaring the hell outta puffer. "Yes Jaren?" "Come with me I need to talk to you". Me and Matt walked out too the back porch and sat down on the swinging chair. "So when are you going to ask her out?" I could tell I caught him off guard. "Well I want to take her on a date first..." "THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR". I screamed. Matt got up and went inside.

Matt pov:

I knocked on Y/n door *knock*. "Come in" " Hey Y/n, I have a question" "Yea what's up?" She said while sitting on her bed. I walked over to her and I look at her. I want to kiss her again so ba... My thoughts where cut off by Y/n kissing me first. We both pulled away and I decided to ask. "Will you go on a date with me?" "Matt I thought you would never ask" she said then kissing me again.

I hope you guys enjoy. I made this at school today so I hope it not shit. Anyway have a good day or good night and remember to stay hydrated 💙❤️💛

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