"That's weak," Kalpas said.

"Really? That's coming from someone who can't control their anger," I snapped, glaring at him.

He glared back. "I can control my anger, maybe you're just blind," Kalpas muttered.

I ignored his comment and grabbed my keys and forcefully jammed it into the door. I shoved my shoulder into the door, causing it to swing open and rattle the welcome sign. I locked the door as soon as Kalpas stepped into the apartment.

"So now what? You put both of us stuck into this traffic for almost two hours. What do you want?" I crossed my arms, scowling at him. I was obviously upset at his attitude and disgusting comments.

"Stop giving me that look. It's your fault you took that road which led us to traffic," Kalpas shouted angrily at me.

"Are you serious?" my adrenaline started to kick in. "Your blaming me for something 'you' suggested. 'You' suggested that we go to my apartment," I bitterly said, pointing to his chest.

Kalpas shoved me away from him. "Don't touch me," he did it so harshly I was almost knocked off my feet.

"Aaah!" I gasped. I glowered icily at Kalpas, "Fine. See if I ever give you free motorcycle rides," and with that comment I stormed to my bedroom.

"Wait! I didn't mean to..."

I threw my shades at him, which clattered against his mask. The shades hit the ground hard, which then the lens fell out. I slammed the bedroom door, trapping myself in the room.

I lay sprawled on the bed, pulling the covers over me. I could only hear myself, breathing in the white soft blanket. 'Kalpas, you should learn how to accept mistakes.' I thought quietly. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks.

- Few minutes later -

The bedroom door creaked as I opened it. I tried as much as possible to quietly tip-toe downstairs into the living room. In which I succeeded perfectly, or so I thought.

I peeked behind an open wall, scanning the room.

He was there. Laying on the couch.

His hair looked messy, his shirt was unkept, which I now could see after he took off his black jacket that was laying on the floor.

But he still looks so good.

"Do I look deaf to you? I can literally hear your footsteps. Stop trying," he said.

I grimaced, cursing at myself for such an obvious mistake. But anyhow, I was determined to not let his attitude eat me and entered the room.

The first thing I did was glare at him. The most coldest, grievous, glacial glare I could manage with my eyes.

"What? Spit it out," he crossed his arms and looked into another direction, avoiding eye contact.

I rolled my eyes, "Kalpas, this is where you're supposed to say you're sorry and comfort me."

"Do I look like a Get-Well-Soon card?"

I sighed and sat across from him on the couch. And continued waited for his comforting words.
But he never spoke a word.

"Why are you still here?" He asked, coldly. But it seemed more like a comment rather than a question.




"I'm waiting..." I said, tapping my foot on the floor, hoping he would catch the hint. I wanted him to comfort me so our relationship can go back to the way it was. Friends. But my heart is pounding, my stomach is now a Butterfly Sanctuary, and my feelings know that I crave for our relationship to be more than just friends.

"For what?"

"For you."


"Can you stop wasting time?"

"Aren't you the one wasting time?" I glanced at him.

"Then I'm leaving," Kalpas said as he gets up from the couch.

My heart pounded faster. I didn't want him to leave me."Wait!" I stood up, reaching for his wrist.
Which was a mistake.

"Don't TOUCH me," Kalpas yelled at me.

My heart sank. 'He's still upset at me.' And I don't think his rudeness towards me will fade away.
Apparently, being kind and patient hadn't cut through his attitude. So I gave him one last glance at his shiny black and orange mask.

"Fine... if that's what you want," I pushed him out of the way and moved to the door. Kalpas was mumbling something in an angry tone, but I tuned it out. I opened the door as it came with a loud creak.

He left without saying goodbye.

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