Leo explores the abandoned bungalow

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It was midnight. Leo was standing in front of the cursed bungalow of Hirhor jungle. A backpack in his shoulder and a torch in hand. A great motive was seen in his eyes. The bungalow looked horrible. It was abandoned for so many years, but surprisingly some hurricanes were hanging out there. The trees over there were dead when it shouldn't be.
It was suspicious for trees being dead only there as the jungle was a perfect place for trees surviving. Leo heard from professor Dornazeel that there was a black magical book in this bungalow, which was written by a devil. It was said that a lady conquered   all black powers through this book. The book was hiding many secrets of black magic which an ordinary human should never know. Leo's motive was to get that black magical book, so that he could know more about black magic. Actually he wanted to destroy Mastrology Huipen and other black magicians, including Vallin Randimate. He was sick of everything. He couldn't be conspiring to destroy a world anymore. None should do that. He wanted to end this game forever by destroying Mastrology and Vallin. Because they were the kings. Though it was a very dangerous motive to achieve. But he had no other option left. Professor Dornazeel clearly warned him not to do this but he wasn't a boy to listen. He came here without even informing him. Leo noticed some bats flying over the dead trees. Felt like these bats were keeping an eye on him. So he didn't even move his eyes to the bats and pretended to not see them at all. He moved closer to the bungalow. The bats flied off like they were done with their duty. Leo thought the door would be locked but it wasn't. He pushed it and found it open. He was too nervous. He read about this bungalow in wizarding school. And he knew there was no surety  of his life here. He might be alive or not. The bungalow was filled up with spider webs. It was a barrier to move forward. Leo moved the spider webs off through his hands. The inside wasn't too dark as a side of the bungalow was broken. Moonlight was coming inside from that side, it filled up the bungalow with light. Leo found a photo frame on a corner. There were four people. Seemed to be a happy family with father, mother and a boy child. Might be around 8-10 years old. But  there was an another young lady too, who was standing behind the boy putting her right hand on his shoulder. Leo was deeply looking at the photo. Maybe he knew the little boy. Who was it? He couldn't remember. But he was sure about seeing the face before. All on a sudden, he heard something being destroyed from behind his back. Something was trying to distract him. He quickly turned back, and saw a shadow passing over. It wasn't that clear though as it was too fast. He got freaked out but it wasn't seen in his face. He wasn't used to this. He took a deep breath. And consoled himself saying "Leo, just some more time. Once you get it, you'll be going home leaving behind a poisonous burden from the heart. Don't lose hope. Just some more time."
Leo noticed all the belongings of the family members' were still there, but everything  was messed up. There was a stair in the middle which got Leo upstairs. Moving forward, he realized something was following him, but he didn't look back. He heard from professor Dornazeel when someone feels something evil is following him, he should never look back and pretend to not see anything or it doesn't matter. No evil power is strong enough to harm anybody until the person starts freaking out, and falls into the trap. He kept moving forward. He turned back at the picture. And saw a shadow passing rapidly again, just like electric current. But this time maybe shadow was of a girl as he saw long hair waving. It couldn't scare him this time. He just realized there was not only one evil spirit as he could feel their presence. He started freaking out. Closed his eyes. And he could see just one thing. The helplessness in his friends' faces. They were screaming. If he didn't work for Mastrology Huipen, then he was going to kill his friends. Before that took place, he must finish off the evil forever. He couldn't keep his eyes closed for long as he felt something moving towards him. His eyes got opened instantly, but there was nothing. He took a picture of the photo frame on his owlet (device). The owl's eyes were the cameras. And then Leo left the room. He realized the bungalow was  huger than he imagined. Why would a person build such a giant bungalow in a cursed jungle? Had  it been built before the jungle was cursed? The owner must be so rich as the bungalow was filled up with golds. Leo saw a golden sculpture of a lady on a corner. It was that boy's mom. The name written with diamond glazed, it caught his eyes. The shining diamond name was 'Wizmeel'. The man must love her wife so much as he made a golden sculpture of his wife. But if he loved her that much, then why did he leave her for an another lady who was living in the same house? It sounded so fishy to Leo. But he was sure about that. As he saw a wedding picture of them hanging over there.  He entered another room. This was the room of the man's second wife. The photo frame on the table beside the bed said so. But the question is if the lady was the man's wife then why was she living in an another room? It might be the room where she lived before the marriage. This room was too far than others. Even if a person screamed here, nobody would get to listen. A graveyard was standing in front of the room's corridor. Leo came to the corridor crossing the room as this side attracted him the most. He didn't even know why he moved towards there. The place was too quiet. Silence was in the air. He could literally hear the frogs croaking. It sounded so close but actually it wasn't. How could a beautiful jungle like this be cursed? There were so many trees surrounded by the graveyard. The moon was towering over the trees. The graveyard was created  for the man's late family members. His dad, step-mom and step-brother and grandparents were buried here. It was said that in his married life, his entire family was destroyed by an evil power. And they got buried there, including the man. His first wife Wizmeel's grave was next to him. But what about his second wife? Was she alive? But where? The vibe of the place made him lose his sense. After sometime Leo realized getting  distracted. Something was distracting him continuously and that pulled him to the corridor. His plan wasn't coming here. He gave himself a shake. And got restless to find the black magical book. He came off from the corridor and moved to leave the room thinking he'd find nothing important here. All on a sudden, he stopped. He saw something crossing. But it wasn't a shadow. He wasn't sure about turning back. Professor Dornazeel had warned  him to never turn back at such things. And there was no point of turning back near a graveyard of a cursed family. But he wasn't a boy to listen. He loved being silly. He must turn back to comfort himself and find out what was going on. His heartbeat started beating faster. He looked back. And things started messing up here. He saw white smoke coming out from under the bed. It might be another distraction. But still he bowed down to check it out. And he wasn't ready to see it. There was a door on the floor under the bed. Seemed to be a secret room. The smoke was coming out from the door. And it slowly faded up like it was done with its job. He hardly moved off the bed to  fully open the door. While moving it off, he had put the torch light on the table next to the photo frame. The door got opened. The dust flew away to his eyes. He managed to overcome it. And stepped into the room. But he forgot to take the torch. He didn't even remember to as the room wasn't looking that dark. It was visible enough. The curved stairs got him down to the room. His footsteps were making a weird sound on the stairs. It was old enough after all. Surprised. It was a big enough secret room. He wasn't expecting such a huge secret room under a small bedroom. His eyes were busy observing the massiveness of the room. He kept looking around. But he missed to see something big. He felt something under his foot. His heart started beating differently when he noticed it. There were hundred of skeletons in that room. And a small piece of it was stuck under his foot. He quickly stepped back in fear.

He bumped into the wall. Turned back. There was some black magical signs on the wall. Though he wasn't black magician. But it didn't take long for him to understand the signs were of black magic as he belonged to sorceress world. It was clear that the room was for doing black magic. The question landed on the young lady. Was she a black magician then? Was she the famous black magician of the story he heard? He examined the room carefully. All the things in the room were kept for black magic. How could a person kill hundred of people just to make his life comfortable using black power? He was in a deep thought. Suddenly some bats crossed over him. It scared him. He finally got why the bats were keeping an eye on him when he was examining the bungalow from outside. Spider webs were also present there. Leo finally noticed one thing. He had been seeing spider webs from the beginning, but he didn't see a single spider here. It was a part of the distraction. Leo was so close to his real motive. Though he wasn't feeling well there. He felt like something was on his shoulders which was a barrier to move forward. But still he kept  going on. After sometime he saw a golden box shining. He thought that was a distraction too. He totally ignored it. Crossed by it. Then a strange feeling stopped him. He didn't know how that feeling was. He turned back at the box. He realized that he had seen it before. But it wasn't shining like that. He looked around. A little part of the room was broken. Moonlight was coming over there and it fell on the box. For a while there was a pause. All the evil powers stopped working there. He opened the box. There were some pages of holy book. He took it out. It was written with golden letters, shining like the moon. He was hypnotized for a moment. That wasn't something he was looking for. He never heard of such book before. But he was sure it wasn't black magical book. Whatever it was he put it in his backpack. He saw a mirror there too. It looked mysterious. He didn't get enough time to examine it. Put that in the backpack. The clouds hid the moon and the moonlight got disappeared. The box stopped shining. Leo felt something crossing behind him again. He turned back. It was that shadow. He noticed a grave there. It wasn't there before. The situation was getting more critical. On a sudden something attacked on him. It was the black cat. It jumped over him. He wasn't ready for the sudden attack. He felt pain in his heart. The cat left a cross sign over there. He wasn't feeling good, head was shaking. He started seeing everything blurred. He saw some spirits talking among them. They were talking about his death. How should they kill him. Burn him and make barbeque, kill him and drink blood or eat him alive. Though humans tasted good without cooking. He got so freaked out. Gave himself a shake. The spirits weren't there anymore. He finally realized he would have to leave the place soon or he was going to die. He managed to come out somehow. Something was following him while coming out. But he didn't turn back. Coming out of the bungalow wasn't easy. He was breathing so fast standing in front of the bungalow. It was a hard escape. He thought he survived. Professor Dornazeel was going to be proud of him. He was the one to escape the death-land. Though he didn't get the black magical book, but his heart was saying there must be something in that holy book. Something was keeping an eye on him. But he didn't realize. The shadow moved to attack on him. A little raindrops were stuck in the little holes of the ground. He saw a shadow coming towards him in behind his back.
Before his brain started working, a power attacked on the shadow. It was a spell done by professor Dornazeel. He turned back and looked up. Professor Dornazeel was there with a flying broomstick. The shadow was burnt to ashes. Professor Dornazeel took a breath of relieve.
- "Have you gone insane, Leo? Who the hell has asked you to come over here?" He said without even blinking. A frustration was in his eyes. It was the frustration of careness.
- "I got it professor... I got it..." He repeated.
- "Shut up and tell me why are you here?"
- "I told you before. Didn't I?"
- "Do you know why the spirits could do nothing to you? Because today's the birth night of angeldom Dinorica."
- "Angeldom Dinorica?"
- "She's the queen of angeldoms."
On a sudden, a screaming voice came out from the bungalow.
Professor Dornazeel took Leo on the broomstick without wasting more time. And they left. A screaming voice came out again. But this time it was more horrific. Most importantly it was of a lady. Like she was asking for help.

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