Ninjas' birthday night

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Jenny got a sweet pink backpack from Ninchan. She packed her water bottle and some necessary things from the girl's tree house while others were waiting in downstairs. The feeling was great. A hang out in a cursed jungle which was full of mysteries, with some unique people. They left for the camping. Ninchan came out to be so friendly. She didn't leave Jenny's hand in the path. She guided her so well, introduced her with the beauty of the jungle. Ninrax was quite happy to see the unexpected friendship between Ninchan and Jenny. Though Ninchan was showing more interest than Jenny.

- "Hey. Chan, you guys are going too fast. Wait! Let us go together also!"

- "Shut up, Rax. Come slowly with others. No worries. You know the path very well."

- "But I want to come with you!" Rax voice started fading as Ninchan and Jenny were too far ahead from them.

- "I'm talking to Jenny. You stay relax there." She shouted a bit as they were too far. And they got disappeared.

- "You guys!" Ninrax said with a soft voice. They continued walking.

- "By the way, who's the girl, Rax?" Said a black-haired girl. Not so dark, nor brown in color. A little bit fat and one side of her face is burnt by acid. It was thrown by the citizens a year ago.

- "My friend."

- "I know. But how did you find her? She must be one of the citizens."

- "Yes, she's."

- "Why are you so relaxed, Rax?" She said with an annoying voice.

- "Is there anything to not be relaxed?

- "Of course! She's one of the citizens, who has been torturing us since a long time, who threw acid on me!"

- "She didn't torture us, nor threw acid on you."

- "B-but......" She was about to say something, but before she could Ninmie spoke up.

- "Oh, come on, Lain! It's okay! Rax has chosen her. She must be good." Said Mie

- "I didn't mean so." She said and looked at Mie.

- "Come on, guys! She's really so beautiful! Stop criticizing her!" Said Ninwiz with an annoying voice.

- "Wait a minute, who's talking about her beauty, Wiz? I was saying she's good." Said Mie giving a strange look at Ninwiz. He was trying to not eye contact with Mie.

- "W-w--whatever.... It's s-same...."

- "It's not same. Today you're acting so strange."

- "By the way, her name is Jenny, Wiz." Said Ninrax. Trying to pull Ninrax's leg.

- "Wow! J-e-n-n-y, it sounds so great. What a sweet name!"

- "W-what?" Said a black haired boy ninja. Thin figure, brown in color, a sharp nose and too tall.

- "What are you saying, Wiz?"

- "Did I say something wrong?"

- "I think he likes her." Said Ninrax. Trying to pull his leg again.

- "Nothing like that!" He shouted a bit.

- "Look, Rax, he's blushing." Said Ninmie. Joining to pull Ninwiz's leg with Ninrax.

- "I also agree." Said the black haired boy.

- "Stop pulling my leg! Just stop it!" He shouted a bit. Also mistakenly blushed again.

- "Again blushing."

- "Stop it, Mie! I give a shit to whatever you think."

- "It's 'I don't give a shit', duffer!"

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