Chapter 15 - Draco Says a Slur in the Forbidden Forest

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Harry couldn't believe this. He was the boy who lived (BWL) for crying out loud! Why was he getting punished for breaking the rules when McGonagall would've never known if Malfoy hadn't been stalking him? There was no helping it either way, so he just hoped this detention wouldn't be too bad.

"What exactly are we doing?" Malfoy sneered, obviously scared.

"You're helping Hagrid with something. You runts better be thankful that you're serving such an easy detention," Filch said. "Back in the day you would be strung up by your toes in the dungeons!"

What the heck? How was that even allowed? Weird.

"How is the Forbidden Forest suddenly not forbidden?" Hermione asked. "This just doesn't seem safe."

"Shut it, Mudblood! You don't know anything."

Ron suddenly tackled the blond twerp while Harry tried to pull him back.

"Oh, so serving detention in the Forbidden Forest sounds like a really good idea, does it?" Hermione shot back. "Also, Ronald, stop trying to bite him."

"But he called you a-a...M-word!" Ron said from their pile on the ground.

"What? Mudblood?" Hermione asked.

"That's because she IS one!" Malfoy said, trying to get away from Ron's sharp elbows.

"Shut it, a' of you's!" Hagrid's gruff voice interrupted. "We're goin' into the forest ta find a unicorn."

"A what?" Harry asked. Maybe it was because he had grown up under some stairs, but he had never seen a unicorn in the muggle world. Then again, he had only seen snakes and such recently when he had gone to the zoo this year.

Ron and Draco stopped fighting each other at the mention of a unicorn, and Hermione was quickly searching through a dictionary as if they would include a slur in there. Actually who knows with wizards? That's probably all that's in there.

And so Filch left the group of first years with the man who was not allowed to perform magic to serve their detention in the forbidden forest which is full of deadly and dangerous magical monsters. Cool!

After around 30 minutes of trudging through the forest, they all stopped when Hagrid spotted a puddle of some kind of silver liquid.

"Unicorn blood. I'll tell you the truth, we aren't looking for a unicorn. We are looking for what's hunting them..." Hagrid said mysteriously.
"WE ARE WHAT?!" The kids shouted in unison and hundreds of crows dramatically flew into the air. That is so cool!

"Are you gonna piss yourself, Malfoy?" Ron asked a pale Malfoy.

"No!" He denied. "This detention is just preposterous! Wait til my father hears about this!"

"Well, that'll be 'fter we're done huntin' this thing," Hagrid said. "'Arry, Fang an' Malfoy, you go tha' way. Ron an' Hermione, yer with me."

Harry stared at Fang, who didn't look like he was a good substitute for adult supervision, then shrugged. Maybe he was a magical dog that could kill with his bite. That would be weird. But cool.

"I can't believe I'm stuck with the boy who lived," Malfoy scoffed. Which was silly of him, since Harry was pretty sure he had plot armor, being the chosen one and all.

They walked in the dark forest for a while but didn't really see anything. Then they went home and everything was ok. Just kidding but wouldn't that be so funny. Lol. Anyway, they saw a trail of silver liquid on the forest floor which was really weird.

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