Another observation I have made is that moms stop coming over as often like she use to, only in the night she checks in and leaves. I kept on telling her that I'm not mad but it's like she never listens just constantly apologizing then leaves again.

🔥Miguel🔥 POV

His ass is leaving from her house again for the fourth fucking time since I got here. I thought about going over there but patience is virtue, I'll wait a little while longer.

She thinks that I haven't come over yet but the very next morning I was on my jet. Thankfully Lily just bought one a side of the cabin which was the side we were in and I'm in the one that Thai and Trish occupied so I bought it pronto as in the day I met Mrs Murphy again.

Nothing much to do but keep my eyes on this dog face clown she calls a friend and Lily. One thing about me, I don't forget nothing and I remembered his name is Jamaal, although I didn't know his surname I give Thai his picture that I took of him and his name and come to find out this fucker had a whole fiance and a three year old son.

Yeah...I said the same thing, a dog is what he is. I don't claim to be the best man but once I find the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, all that unnecessary foolishness is out the window, that's why am not playing when it comes to Lily.

I almost breakdown her front door and fuck him up when they started kissing, yes I saw them, I see everything with the cameras I installed all over her house, luck was on his side when he got that phone call before I walked out my door.

When she went to the grocery store I went over and carefully place the cameras where she can't see it and the way she remodeled the place made it so much easier to disguise.

Especially her bedroom, the way she expand and redecorated it, your eyes have to see in the future to recognize it and if you know me I sure did put one in the bathroom as well

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Especially her bedroom, the way she expand and redecorated it, your eyes have to see in the future to recognize it and if you know me I sure did put one in the bathroom as well.

Night after night I masturbated over her sexy body, her hips gotten a little bit broader and her breast is already looking fuller.

I know her hormones running wild because every night she layed on her bed that was in the middle of the room playing with her pussy, rubbing circles on her clit like a DJ calling my name and I was right there with her stroking my wood doing the same.

I know her hormones running wild because every night she layed on her bed that was in the middle of the room playing with her pussy, rubbing circles on her clit like a DJ calling my name and I was right there with her stroking my wood doing the same

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