Tonight Is The Night I Die

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I lost my notebooks, my crutches to humanity in the blast but... I can still pretend. Pretending is a neat distraction from all the shit that is going on. Usually I have a title before everything goes to shit but this time... the title came to me afterwards. 'Tonight is the Night I Die' by Palaye Royale.


It was well past midnight now and I was starting to get worried. The idea of Jasmine coming and wanting Ayla to talk with her alone was extremely unlike her- I wanted to tell her not to go but it wasn't my choice. And just the way Jasmine was speaking to her? Uncharacteristically shaky? Something wasn't right. I should've read her mind, and oddly enough she's out of my proximity and won't lurk back to me. Ayla even if out of my proximity.

Anyways I'm freaking out.

Everyone for the most part is asleep except for those on night watch whom I decided to join for tonight. Everything has just been so unorganized and chaotic and it's so emotionally draining to be here. People were looking to me now which I found funny considering my previous treatment. Everyday I hear the cries of those with long term injuries and those who mourn the eight rebels we lost in the explosion. Everything was falling apart.

I feel guilty knowing I brought Ayla here when I hear the thoughts of those who blame me for losing their home and belongings. Maybe I was selfish- blinded by my feelings for her. Truthfully, it was Ethan's fault. He was selfish to do this all because he was tired of living in Kyle's shadow and hearing childish taunting? He never should've been a rebel with such weak willpower.

Uncertainty clung to the air, the smell of blood and death corrupting my nose. I had a terrible feeling about this- why did I let her go? Why didn't I go with? And why the hell did Jasmine take her out so far away? I felt like deep down I knew what happened but I couldn't say it. At this point given the circumstances I was clinging onto hope.

Mavis snuck up on me, sighing deeply. She'd been so upset and tired since the explosion, I know part of her died along with the base. "Any sign of either of them?"

I rolled my eyes, "No. And if I do happen to find Jasmine first and Ayla isn't with her, I'm not holding back."

Her lips fell, "Jack..."

"No." I couldn't live with myself if the one thing that gets Ayla hurt turns out to be something I could've stopped especially with Jasmine's record. If what hurts her turns out to be Jasmine after all we have been through together... I don't know what I'll do. I probably wouldn't win either.

We both jumped and grabbed our knives when we heard stirring in the trees and the sound of twigs snapping.

"Jasmine?" Mavis called out, looking around worriedly.

My eyes widened, "No. It's... Ayla..."

Ayla crept out of the trees slowly, hunched over holding scraps of fabric against her chest. I heard Mavis' knife drop to the ground beside me but I couldn't tear my eyes away from Ayla. Blood was dripping down her back and forming puddles underneath every shaking step below.

My stomach churned and a nauseous feeling twisted throughout my skin. My knife slipped out of my hand and fell to the ground. My eyes wide, mouth open.

"She couldn't have done this!" Mavis gagged. "She wouldn't-" She called out following behind me as I started forward.

Ayla looked up at me, her face twisting in pain. Her hair was disheveled and clumped together from dried blood. She was visibly shaking and crying. "Help me," She whispered with a cloud from her breath escaping her mouth, before collapsing.

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