An Apple A Day

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My eyes flew open and I sat up, rippling in the water bed that I definitely did not fall asleep in. "What?" I whispered.

"Girl get up I'm not missing comida so you can hog my bed some more." Mavis' face was dire, she smacked her thighs like I was a dog trying to get my attention.

I groaned and slid out from her covers, a small gray blanket following me. It made me smile. So last night was real- did he carry me all the way back here and I slept through it all?

I also forgot to tell Mavis where I was going last night- so I think I won't ask.

"Wait so I'm allowed to roam freely?" I yawned, stretching my arms as I checked out the frizzy flyaway hairs from my braids in Mavis' mirror.

"The Headmistress knows about you, there's gossip now." Mavis shrugged and opened the door. "Stay hidden if you want but me? I'm getting food."

I giggle and follow her out the door and down the hallway. I was over the moon about last night- a sour day turned sweet. Maybe I was gushing a little too much after all it's only been five days since I was brought here.

I've got friends.

And they are way cooler than Darla's.

The cafeteria was small and to the left of the commons. I smiled up at the floating people as they drilled sheets of metal into the ceiling to patch the holes.

When we got inside I reminisced about the cafeteria at school with it's bigger selection and wider space. The tables there were all circular while here there were only three long tables, luckily none were crammed or full for that matter.

Mavis knocked on the cooler. "Vegetarian options?"

Jack turned around from behind the cooler in their makeshift kitchen, startled and then looked at me, frightened look on his face disintegrating. "Good morning, ladies."

Mavis grabbed a plate to help herself to some warm oatmeal while I shyly stole an apple. It was awkward and I could feel plenty of eyes on me.

"That's all you're getting?" Mavis said with a full mouth.

I shrugged, mother's voice ringing in my head. If she were here she would be swatting my hand away for sure.

Jack perked up and looked at me with an unreadable expression. He shook his head and shoved a plate of scrambled eggs my way.

All I could do was glance between the plate and back to Jack's smug face. Thank you. I nodded and took the plate, following Mavis to a table in the back corner.

Kyle was already sat at the table, shoulders hunched over, sulking into his steaming plate. His hair was down this time- shorter. I stole a second glance, making eye contact with him. I must've looked real stupid. I couldn't help but stare as I noticed something was off.

I gasped, making Mavis jump out of her seat and turn around. "The hell?"

"Ethan?" Silver eyes. He wore contacts that whole time.

His face slowly melted into a lopsided smile. "I was wondering when you'd realize."

Oddly enough I hadn't even made the connection when I met Kyle that he looks like Ethan.

I skidded out of my seat and went to wrap my arms around him. "I can't believe it! This whole time you..."

Ethan nodded. "I'm sorry for the secrecy. I wanted to come and find you when you finally made it here but I've been busy-"

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