Nakanaka: yeah... me too.... again thank you.... let me pay you back.

Mike: oh it's alright consider it a gift.

Nakanaka: oh no I can't accept it.

Mike: it's okay I didn't buy it with my own money anyway.

Nakanaka: what do you mean?

Meanwhile at Wayne's hideout.

Keith: huh...

Ace: what is it Keith?

Keith: I'm missing money from my safe.

Ace: again?

Back to the bullet train.

Mike: like I said consider it a gift.

Nakanaka: okay then thank you Mike.

Mike went back to his seat only to recieve some jealous looks from Shinobino, Chiarai, and Sonoda.

Mike: what?

Sonoda: you lucky bastard.

Shinobino: what's your plan here? Winning her over with gifts?

Chiarai: since when you two were that close?

Mike: (what's with these weirdos?)

5 minutes later.

Shouko opened her eyes, raised her head and looked who what's next to her.

Hitohito: good morning Komi-san.

Hitohito was holding a book upside-down, trying to act smooth.

Shouko was slowly realizing that she slept in Hitohito's shoulder, she blushed afterwards and took out her notebook.

Shouko: [how long were you here?]

Hitohito: oh not too long.


She checked for any drool, luckily there wasn't any.

Shouko: [how's your arm?]

Hitohito: it's healing, but the doctor said I have to wait a week before they can remove the cast.

Shouko: ....

Hitohito: are you okay?

Shouko: ....[ you've been getting hurt lately.... I'm worried.]

Hitohito: (Komi-san...) I'll be fine, because I have these.

Hitohito pointed at his glasses.

Shouko: ?

Hitohito: these glasses belonged to my grandfather, my dad said that they were his lucky glasses.

Shouko: [ but how can you be lucky if ended up getting hurt?]

Hitohito: because I lived.

Shouko: [ I don't understand.]

Hitohito: haha I guess I should explain. My father told me that my grandfather used to be an explorer when he was younger, so it was obvious that he found himself in dangerous situations.

Shouko: !

Hitohito: how ever no matter how many bones he broke, how many cuts or bruises he recieved, he always managed to live and all thanks to his glasses. Yes he did get hurt badly but he never lost his life while adventuring, also that's how he met my grandmother.... but I guess that's a story for another time.

She wasn't fully convinced about the lucky glasses, but all she can do was to trust him he wouldn't be in trouble.

If she only knew the truth.

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