Sins of The Father #1

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3 Weeks Ago....

The ER. A place of both hope and misery. A place where Dr. Donald was looking at the patient who had flatlined. He found himself shaken, but he did all that he could. He tried everything that could think of. But, in the end, both the mother and daughter died.

Donald: Call it.

Nurse: Time of death, 2:37 A.M.

Donald: And the daughter?

Nurse: 2:32 A.M.

Donald took a deep breath.

Donald: And the husband's name?

Donald stood before the father, Mr. Mitchell, was still wearing his suit, covered in the blood of his family. The doctor told her the situation, carefully trying to break the news, but in the end, there was only so much he could do.

Donald: Their injuries from the crash were too severe. We did everything we could, but......I'm sorry, Mr. Mitchell.

The man didn't say anything. He sat there with his head hung low. Then, he gritted his teeth.

Mr. Mitchell: You did everything you could? You let them die! Get back in there and save them!

He sprung forward and wrapped his hands around Donald's throat, choking him. Security quickly rushed into the pull the man away, but that didn't stop him from yelling his intentions.

Mr. Mitchell: Do you know who I am?! You're dead, you hear me?! You're a dead man!

The Astonishing

You weren't entirely sure how you would sum up the events of the last few days, but you definitely couldn't call them normal. Even by your standards. And that was saying a lot.

But meeting another version of you, fighting a slew of villains while teaming up with a slew of heroes, and then watching one of the sacrifice herself? It was a lot. And it weight on your mind as you sat in class, listening to Professor Conners give his lecture.

That was yet another weird thing about what was happening. SHIELD released Conners after declaring him not a threat. They had completely taken out the reactive lizard serum so he won't turn. Still weird seeing him after having to fight him not even a month ago.

To finish it off, Anya was still back at your apartment being watched by Lily when you weren't around. Even Wanda was helping you in exchange for you seeting up a meeting between her and Spider-Man. Your life was a circus, and you were the clown.

Y/N: Maybe I can just move to Alaska and start a new life.

Betty: Let's do it.

You lazily looked to your left where Betty was sitting. You didn't even notice she was here. You haven't really had much time to talk to her lately, what with everything going on. You just couldn't find the time.

Y/N: Yeah, right. Alaska doesn't sound too bad.
George looked at the file he was reading over to see if he had the pieces he thought he did. There was a lot to go on, yet not enough to paint a clear picture. He knew the Spiders were innocent, but he had no way of proving it without exposing Gwen as Spider-Woman.

George: I told you, I don't want it.

Bartender: It's just pickle juice and whiskey, George. Ask your daughter, the kids love "pickle backs".

George looked at his friend who was still holding the glass of green liquid. George wanted to vomit from the smell alone.

George: "The kids"? This is a cop bar, Mike. Mald pattern baldness is the dress code. Besides, Gwen's not like the kids you know.

The Astonishing Spider-Man Vol. 2 (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now