"What happened?" you gently poked, which was probably a mistake. but curiosity got the best of you.

His eyes locked into yours. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked" you apologized

"No, it's ok," he reassured "Let's just say there are a lot of cruel and dangerous people in the world." hisoka looked out the window "What about you?"

You looked away as hisoka studied you waiting for a response. Your family wasn't something you enjoyed talking about either. although it only felt fair to open up a bit "I have family, they're not exactly part of my life anymore"

"I'm sorry to hear that" hisoka shifted in his seat

"It's fine, they're assholes anyway," you said "My father was abusive and my mother was naive. they tried to force me to be this perfect girl. sent me to private schools, chose my career path, and even planned an arranged marriage for me"

hisoka listened as he took a sip of the water already on the table

"When I was 16 I decided I had enough. so I ran away and never looked back" As you spoke, the memories of that exact day reappeared in your mind like a slideshow. The reasons you spoke of were not the only things that drove you away.

"Did you ever think about going back?" hisoka asked

"There are times. but I don't think I ever will. I'm an only child. as far as I know. I wouldn't be surprised if they had another child after I left" It hurt to say but it was true. Your parents didn't even bother to call you or put up missing posters. they simply did not care. it was like you were a project to them

from what you remembered, they never said "I love you". Even though they were your blood, you didn't consider them family.

"What about close friends?" hisoka asked

"I had people to talk to. I wouldn't necessarily call them friends." You paused realizing how depressing this conversation was getting. "Why'd you put so much effort into this date?" you blurted completely changing the topic

he took a second to respond before saying "You're an interesting character y/n. Is it so bad that I want to get to know you more?" you hid a smile

hisoka opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by the waitress.

You felt a rush of embarrassment as silence brushed through the air after the waitress left with your orders. you've only ever been to a restaurant once or twice in your lifetime. so something about ordering food just made you feel 10x more awkward.

hisoka noticed this and quickly brought up a new subject. the two of you conversated until the food arrived 25 minutes later

As you were finishing the meal, your phone buzzed. you looked down at your lap studying the screen. It was a message from illumi.

"Something wrong?" hisoka asked noticing the worried look on your face

"Yeah. Yeah no everything is fine." you lied "Excuse me," you said leaving the table to go to the bathroom

You slammed yourself into a stall and opened the message

"Enjoy the rest of your dinner, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8 p.m. Be ready"

You stood in the stall reading the message over and over hoping it would disappear. You were terrified of illumi, but you didn't want anyone to see that, not even yourself. you didn't even question the fact of how he knew you were on a dinner date. it was illumi. of course, he knew.

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