Accidental Touches.

Start from the beginning

"I can't wait to hold him."

"Come up here, and you can hold him, I'll teach you." Mrs. Tokoyami's voice was strained, she was tired but her kids would always come first. Carefully crawling onto the bed, Y/n sat beside their mom as she showed them how to hold the baby. Handing Fumikage to his father, she pulls them closer, making contact with Y/n's skin.

"Dear, be careful, your body is still recovering." E/c eyes never left Y/n's frame. "I'm fine, give Y/n their brother." It was a touching scene, a family of four, cuddled together on a much too small hospital bed. A picture was taken.

It's been less than a month, and that once-loving family seems to be in disarray. Mr. Tokoyami found himself having to actively seek out his wife. The baby's crying, he hasn't been changed or fed. "Dear, where are you? Where're Fumi's bottles?" No answer.

Sighing, he goes to check Y/n's room. Sure enough, that's where he finds his wife, staring at your sleeping form. Touching your face or hair. "Honey, the baby needs his mother." She huffed, "can't you handle him for once? It's always honey, this or that, just let me rest for a bit."

He holds back, remembering what the doctor had said about mood swings, baby blues, and postpartum depression. Without saying another word, he goes off to find baby formula and bottles. This wasn't the first time his wife had gotten snappy. Ever since they left the hospital she's been clingy, not to them, just to you, the oldest.

After holding you and the baby she seemed to change, becoming much more protective of you while giving only a few glances to their newborn. She seemed reluctant to care for the wee babe. Only caring for him when you said something about wanting to see the baby or spend time with Fumi.

It was becoming unbearable, your father couldn't work and take care of the baby. His job had him traveling ninety percent of the time. A nanny would be the best option but Mrs. Tokoyami refused to let anyone else around their child. She was already having trouble just letting you go to school. At first, she was just as excited to see you go as you were. Now, the woman cried, begged, pleaded for you. With her being that clingy and neglectful, he couldn't leave either of you in her care.

The family was nearly split but your father refused to give up on his soulmate and their beautiful family. "Daddy, is mommy alright? Why does she keep ignoring Fumikage?" You asked one day, and your father hugged you, it was only three seconds but it was enough for you to feel a change. He suddenly became much more loving, ignoring everything else, even work.

After about three minutes, the older man groaned and rubbed his head. While his little one huffed and glared at him. "Now you're ignoring him too!" You yelled while stomping off to see your sibling. As you reached into the crib your father stopped you. "Hold on, I'll get him, we need to take both of you to the hospital."

E/c hues looked up, "are we okay?"

"Yes, I think so but I think you might have gained a quirk and no one noticed." You cheered at that and rushed off to get your shoes and coat. Y/n wanted to tell their mother but she was finally sleeping alone in her bed. On the way to the small quirk clinic, your father made sure not to lose you or that no one bumped into you. He had you hold onto his coat, apologizing for not being able to hold your hand.

Not that you cared much, he was holding your beloved sibling, that's all that mattered.

At the doctor's office, you were allowed to go play but you couldn't touch anyone. You thought that was a bit weird but did as you were told. Luckily no one else seemed to be there.

Sure enough, you had a quirk, they couldn't fully pinpoint when it had manifested but Mr. Tokoyami had a good idea of when, October thirtieth. The day Fumikage was born.

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