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Just a little something to let my readers know I'm still alive. Yes, I'm talking to all four of you.

This is an open story, put whoever you'd like.

Yandere friend that protects you all the time. It doesn't matter who it is, they're throwing hands or making them disappear. They're forever watching over you, making sure you don't get hurt but not in an infantilizing way.

Yandere friend is the first to call out the person you're dating or interested in. If they're on bs, your friend will end the relationship before it's even started or for you. There's no need to ask.

Yandere friend knows your body language better than you do. Easily telling when you're upset or just hangry. When it's emotional, mental, or physical pain, and they're there to help you work through it.

Yandere friend that watches from a dark corner as someone comes up to you with the intention of hooking up. You tell them you're not interested or try to ignore them but this loser won't go away. It's not long before your friend pops up magically. They don't tell the person off, oh no. That's too easy, they stand next to you.

Knowing how ticklish or jumpy you are, they tap your sides, making you turn and jump into their arms. Using that as an excuse to hold you up by your thighs or butt while glaring at the loser that dared talk to you. As you're about to give your friend a piece of your mind, you notice the glare and look over your shoulder to see the creeper looking fearful or upset.

Yandere friend that walks off while still holding you if the creep didn't get the hint. As you look into their eyes, you can't help but smile.

"Thank you, you're always helping me but you can put me down now."

"No..." They say while walking, each step is full of determination. "Why not...?"

Yandere friend looks deep into your eyes before moving an arm to hold you closer. Forcing you to wrap your legs around their waist. There's a look in their eyes that you've never seen before, it makes you shiver as their voice teases your ear. Leaning in they growl and say, just loud enough for passersby and yourself to hear.

"Because you're mine, and I'm tired of people acting like they don't know it."

Yandere friend is no longer a friend. Congrats, you've just acquired a yandere lover.

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