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All eyes were on you, some people whispered while others flat out said what they were thinking. While you just stood there, looking over the scene. Let them talk, they don't know a thing. That's what you thought as you went about your hero work. However, what y/n didn't know was this would be the start of everything.

The Hero Billboard Chart was in full swing, you were invited to join but declined, choosing to protect the city. With so many heroes in one place, you felt that the streets wouldn't be protected enough. So, it was quite a surprise when you heard your name being called on T.V. At the moment you had stopped to grab some food, the small cafe had the television going.

"Formerly unranked Hero, H/N, has dominated the ranks, going from an underground hero to Fourth place here in Japan." Blinking, you stopped to listen, understanding now why the heroes commission had been so hellbent on you being there. Fuck that, you have a job to do. (Quite literally what you told them.) Finishing up your meal, you then left, immediately going back to patrolling.

That day had been hectic, people were stopping you to say hello, get autographs, take pictures, etc. Then there were the villains, criminals, they seemed to have a special vendetta. Attacking you ruthlessly, by the time your shift was over it was already well past midnight. Too tired to make it to the bedroom, you crashed on your hammock, passing out within moments. (Indoor hammocks are so cool.)

Waking up the next morning, feeling a lot more refreshed, e/c irises noticed that you had been tucked in. Smiling at this, you knew who had done such a kind thing, maybe tonight you'll be able to thank them.

As the day went on, you found yourself being paired up with the one and only Rabbit Hero, Mirko. Nomus had been spotted all over the city, and Mirko asked you to work with her. Well, more like, she taunted and baited you into competing with her. Watching you work, Rumi was impressed. Y/n had beaten her fair and square both in the rankings and here on the field. Earning the five-foot-two-and half an inch hero's respect.

Shaking hands after the job, you both went your separate ways. Paperwork would have to wait, you had something special planned for tonight. However, on the way home, you had been stopped by a certain bird (birb) man. Fumikage Tokoyami, (I bet you thought it was Hawks.) the young male needed assistance, which you gladly offered.

Helping out the Fledgling only took about ten minutes. Getting home would take you about another fifteen minutes, checking the time, you smiled. You should be able to get home, get a nice meal cooked, or picked up. Have a nice movie, gaming, reading, etc, session all set up and ready to go before your significant other got home.

Yet, when you got to the house, you found the door unlocked, entering quietly, already ready for a fight. A swept of the home was made, the last room was the guest bedroom, standing a few feet from the door, you heard creaking. Whoever had broken in was in there! But they hadn't touched anything else in the house. Everything of value was still there, right as you were about to active your quirk, or use a small mirror to allow yourself to see inside if you're quirkless. 

(No hate here, quirkless heroes can and will be a thing in my stories!)

You heard it, the faint sounds of creaking, bed rattling, grunts, and groans, very soft. They sounded like....No, it couldn't be, could it? Then another voice cooed out, "I bet your beloved Y/n would never do you like this, huh." A weak reply was given, "no, y/n wou- ahh." From the sound of things, they had been going at it for hours...

Standing there for a moment, your mind raced, what should you do? Confront them? Go home, kill them both in a murderous rage, ask if you could join~? Gasping and panting were heard, and that's when you decided to just leave. Growling, you left, not being quiet about it, dropping the keys on the table, you marched out of that house. Thanking the heavens you both decided that moving in together would be too soon and risky.

Heading to your house, your head was spinning. Where did it all go wrong? You made sure to always be there for your lover, giving them whatever they needed, of course, they did the same. Sure there were times when one of you had to cancel plans or had petty fights but nothing like this. They had been hinting at wanting something more, and you two had planned on talking about it yet it seems they couldn't wait.

As you stood at your front door, wondering how you got there so fast... Your mind went into overdrive, thinking of everything you had done, right or wrong. What could have been changed? Going inside, you sat on the couch, head in your hands before your eyes spotted the blanket they had tucked you in with. Y/n's chest started to tighten like someone had reached in grabbed your heart and was using it as their own personal stress ball.

Their touch, smiles, voice, scent, even taste, all of it, you felt it, as if they were there with you, embracing you, loving you. Maybe going home was a bad idea. Standing up, you did the one thing you could think of, you went back out. Roaming the city, putting away the bad guys, helping others, until you were too tired to stand, checking into a hotel, Y/n passed out or attempted to.

The ringing of your phone woke you up, looking at it, you glared, they were calling you. Perhaps they wanted to talk to you, to say sorry? Answering, with a grunt, Y/n waited for a reply but only got a moan. Is this bitch taunting me now? Moans and whimpering. "Go fuck yourself!" Y/n snapped before tossing the phone.

Days went by, they all blurred together, things seemed pointless and you had thrown yourself into your work. Anyone could tell you were in pain, oddly enough, this made your approval ranking go up. In the eyes of the people, you were just as human as them.

(Endeavor: Sweats in losing the number one spot after getting it by default.

ZiaKitty: "Relax big guy, everything will be fine, I promise.")

About a week later you got a phone call, this time it was from a contact on the police force. He asked you to come down to the station, thinking nothing of it, you did just that. You were asked countless questions, which annoyed you greatly. Nevertheless, you answered them all honestly. Finally, the officer got down to the reason you were asked down here.

Walking into the cold room, e/c hues widened as they landed on the body of their former lover. Their body was broken, bruised, eyes gouged out, skin missing in large amounts, fingernails gone. The look on their face wasn't fearful but sad, broken, lonely.  As their emergency contact, their affairs were left to you to deal with.

As you wept, now back home, and wondered what happened, who did this. Those moans and groans weren't of pleasure, they were of pain, the pants were final breaths being taken, that last call...A final undertaking to reach the one person that meant everything, you. 

A pair of arms wrapped around you as you sat. Long white hair landed on your shoulders, soft lips pecked the top of your head. Without thinking about it, you buried your face within her bosom, letting out your sadness. Never once questioning how the brown-complexioned woman got into your place, or why she smelled so familiar. Just like your former spouse...and Death.

1342 words.

1342 words

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