Sweet Dreams, Sweetpea.

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Not my artwork, credit where credit is due.

This is unedited, read at your own risk, typos will happen.

The soft beeping of the machine made your head throb but you did nothing to fix it. Making sure not to move as you did not want to alert the doctors or nurses to your presence. They would swarm you with questions, questions you didn't have the answers to. Opting to ignore it as you focused on the ceiling above you. E/c eyes blinking every once in a while. What happened? That was the only thing that kept coming to mind.

Blurred images came to you like a curse. Too spotty to truly make out, it was annoying. A man with a kind voice and loud personality, bits of blond, red, and greenish came to mind. The more you tried to think of his features the more your head hurt.

The pain was becoming unbearable, and your heart rate increased, which ended up alerting your nurse. There was a knock on the door, a young woman spoke, stating her name before entering. "Hello, I'm nurse Hinata, I'll be working with you tonight." She stopped mid-sentence once she noticed you were awake. "Oh may, you're finally awake! Thank goodness."

Y/n said nothing, simply letting their eyes flicker towards the sound of Hinata's voice. "Can you tell me if you're hurting? What level is it at? Also your name?" Opening your mouth, you soon closed it.

You wanted to answer her but couldn't, the words were stuck as pain ripped through your body. Groaning loudly, that's all you could do. "I'll get you something for the pain, it's almost lunchtime, so I'll get you a snack as well."

You weren't hungry at all, you simply wanted the pain to go away. A moment later two individuals came in with the nurse. One was a doctor, the other unknown. They spoke as if you couldn't hear them. Going over your case file, going by a number and not a name. It was enough to make you yell, as much as your throat and head would allow.

"It's rude to talk about someone right in front of them. And don't say this is about another patient, sharing another's info in front of unknown parties is just as bad."

"Oh goody, you really are awake. Wonderful, we can finally give this bed to someone worth it." Says the man on your right. Whoever it was, it wasn't a doctor. "Hey, go fuck yourself, ya ass."

"Rude one, aren't you. Your kind has no manners so I'm not surprised." The man countered with a smirk as your blood pressure rose. "Sir, please leave, it's time to check the patient, and I highly doubt they want you here." You keeked at the nurse who looked angrier than you, at least she was on your side, you thought to yourself.

"Just hurry up, there's a rich CEO that wants this room, and this kid isn't even able to pay one-eighth as much as he's offering." With that, the jerk left, your doctor sighed and turned to the nurse, ready to give her an ear full but your groaning put a stop to that. "We'll have a talk later about your behavior, Miss. For now, let's get the patient steady and ready to go."

You hated this place...

It took a few days for you to get used to being awake again, during that time you had visitors. Mainly the police, they asked you questions, which you tried to answer. Certain things came to mind like who the last president was, a famous celebrity, the taste of foods you didn't like or smells. Yet when asked your name, age, and where you were from, nothing came to mind.

While walking down the hallway, you had escaped the new room you had been placed in, it was a bit too loud for your liking. You came across an elderly woman, she stopped you. "Hello, deary, how are you feeling?" It was easy to tell she was a caring soul, and something about her voice triggered a fleeting memory.

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