Acceptance Letter.

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Bold equals thoughts, bold with underline are unheard.

How did it come to this? Why are they doing this? Weren't we fighting together as a team?

Misty e/c eyes locked onto the blazing hues of Bakugou Katsuki, then to the cruel mixed gems of Todoroki Shouto. Indigo optics couldn't look you in the eye. "Well, speak up, unless it's true, you really are the mole." Deku growled while holding you up by your collar.

This shocked his friends as he was normally the voice of reason or the friendliest. Not this time around, right now the basil maned teen was the aggressor. Those wide pine eyes daring you to lie to them. Without even five percent of his power you'd be crushed. Just like the nomu did to his beloved All Might.

"No one other than us, in this very room knew of the plan." Stated the red eyed blond. "So, someone had to talk. Ratted us out, and only one of us had been sneaking around as of late." Never before had the dual tresses boy sounded so deadly.

Your lips parted but no words came out. How could they? When they had crushed your throat? The room felt like it was spinning, you felt so dizzy, sick, and cold. Despite all the burns that littered your body. Thanks to a certain teen using his left side.

Your dominant hand had been broken during your fight with Deku. The boy had snapped after learning of his mentor's fate. Via the souls within OFA. Going on a wild goose chase that led to you. "You're the traitor, aren't you! I trusted you, Y/n!"

"N-no" you finally managed to say while spitting up blood. Your broken ribs and bruised, most likely punctured lung. Were a gift from the spiky haired walking talking superior, inferior complex.

"Then who is it?" Izuku's hands caressed your cheeks. Wiping away the salty water that drizzled from each duct. "Tell me and I'll make it all go away, don't lie to me."


There goes another limb, this time your femur. Within any of their grips your bones were nothing more than twigs. Aoyama watched on in fear. Unable to stop this madness that had his idol acting crazy.

Unable to find his own voice, unable to look away. Turning on his heels, he rushes off, dry heaving as he hears. "Get the ice ready, I'll get the wood chopper."

Y/n will die at this rate. I have to do something. But if I do...they'll figure out it was me. What should I do?

The shining hero was at a loss. He could not call himself a hero at this rate. "St-"

"Stop right there!" The booming voice of Vlad came. Eraserhead was right behind him. His quirk was already activated. Immediately making all three males' quirks inactive. "Aoyama, go get Recovery girl."

Your breathing slowed then stopped as nothingness settled in.

Finally, finally it was over. There was no more pain, no more tears, just the sweet release of death. Your body felt like it was floating in an endless abyss. No Earthly attachments holding you down, you could float forever.

The sound of sobbing reached your ears. It didn't matter though, it was no longer your problem. Sadness didn't exist here, so you could ignore it just this one time.

"What are we going to do when Y/n wakes up? Everyone thinks they're the traitor but I don't believe that."

"Don't you mean, if they wake up?" That's Ochako and Momo's. What's that jerk doing here? If she had only helped...

When you spotted some of your fellow classmates and attempted to call out for help they ignored you. If the lovable ball of sunshine from 1-A thought you were a bad guy. Then that's what you had to be. Asking Ochako for help has been your biggest mistake.

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