Fun Times on Discord.

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Just a conversation between myself and KoiFish69 on discord. Unedited, pure unadulterated thoughts on Hunter Mic. Read at your own risk. I'm on the left, she's on the right.

Hunter Mic that decides to live on his own in the woods. Leaving behind the hero world after one too many of his friends die. It's a lonely life but he's okay. His hatred for bugs is still there but dealing with them is still better than facing the deaths of friends and lovers.

Everything is right in his little world....

Until you show up, lost, alone. Seeming like a sweet summer's day in the city. Like baked goodies, fresh goodies, and everything warm that he misses. A friendly chat won't hurt, right?

That chat turns into hours, day becomes night, and you still haven't left. Mic offers to bring you home in the morning. The forest, woods is dangerous at night. However, when morning comes it's raining too hard to go.

Mic believes he can get you home but you're afraid, you beg him to let you stay until the rain stops. He does but the rain doesn't stop until the next evening. At this point the blond is hooked on you.

On your scent, it's not enough to have you sticking around for chatting. He's only human, he has needs. You hear him muttering to himself about making you stay. You don't like this, instead of sticking around, you attempt to leave.

Mic notices you're gone. Something within him awakens. It's primal and hungry, telling him to find you, bring you back home. His home, no our home.

That same thing is also telling him to take what's his. To mark, to maul, to hunt. BREED. For that is what humans do, they breed. And you, oh silly little lost you.

You look so breedable.

Ugh, now I'm thinking about breaking your ankle during the chased and having to rely soley on Mic once he brings you back to the🤚🏻 you can't do this to me

Your ankle is broken but he doesn't care, he's still ravishing you on the forest floor. All manner of things are cutting open your tender flesh, the smell of blood is drawing wild predators to you both. However, Mic is the alpha, more animalistic and dangerous than any other.

You beg and pleaded for him to bring you back to town like he promised but darling he just can't bare to be alone anymore you can't just bring color back into his life and oh so selfishly rip it away after he's shared something so personally and intimate with you.

It's a far cry from the animalistic man from the woods, he worships every part of your body gentle and caring praise spills from his lips as he focuses solely on your pleasure

He doesn't stop till your practically passed out. He cleans you up and tucks you in and the next morning serves you breakfast in bed

It's got your head spinning, If you give into him, could you live here as happy as you are now?

Y/n's friends are out looking for em and they're getting laid out in the woods.🤚🏿

Got her momma crying thinking her baby dead and she getting dicked down in the woods, sad 🤚🏻

Poor momma! They find her months, or years later, she's knocked up with at least three kids.


they never gave up hope, kept looking when they suddenly find a cabin and who's out back picking veggies out the garden, we'll Y/n big and round with two kids at her side

She tells them they need to leave, to hurry and go and never come back but they have questions and concerns when suddenly a voice behind them all sounds out "Hello strangers."

The smiling Hizashi Yamada himself stands, a gun in one hand and a dear over his shoulder

They stay for dinner finding out what their lost friend/family member has been up to for these years and leave satisfied that she's safe and well and that they have her back in their life

But as soon as their gone Hizashi is packing his family up, can't have those nasty vermin tempting his wife to go back to city life or tainting his peaceful family with outside things

Lucky he didn't end them.

Hes a good father, not infront the kids

He will never let them know how he got their momma though.

Nope! Very off limits topic...just like how their first child came to be joy

He or she will find out when another person gets lost in the woods.

Lol dad's bring you home a partner!

Dad's teaching you how to hunt.

This would make a fucking good horror movie if written right 🤣

Ok but I've been thinking about during the chase instead of you breaking your ankle Mic just shooting you in the fucking leg, cuz like hunter Mic let the man hunt

Even better.

Then he bandages her up and coddles her like the baby he is

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