
453 13 7

Not my art, credit where credit is due.

This is just a little something my brain made up on the spot on Discord...

Aizawa slowly waking up. Nuzzling his pillow before it dawns on him that he fell asleep sitting up. Against a wall, not in a comfy bed... Dark hues opening wide as the ravenett jerks up, just to see he can't fully move. An arm has him firmly pressed against its owner.

Their chest at that. Looking up, Shouta sees them asleep, free hand toying with his long messy tresses idly. It's serene, utterly very breathtaking. Moments like these makes him glad he finally did it.

He bit the bullet, threw caution aside and made the plunge. Luckily he was never caught as well. Who would believe a pro kidnapped y/n anyway.

Around 113 words, my shortest work to date!

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