Chapter XIV

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The forest had gone completely silent.

Yang had to listen to the screaming, unable to do anything about it. But when it stopped, she stared off in the direction her captor had run off to.

The silence was killing her. She didn't know who had won that confrontation. She prayed that her friends were alright. She prayed Ruby had gotten out of there alive, and was running back for the wall. She didn't even care if she stayed in captivity if it meant her little sister was alive.

Yang was broken from her thoughts at the feeling of the ground shaking. She could feel the thumping of footsteps. She held onto the tree as tightly as she could, hoping that she could find some way to escape her approaching captor.

But he didn't emerge from the trees. She was still completely alone in the clearing atop the dead tree, even as the footsteps stopped.

A squawking noise came from behind her. Yang spun around, and saw a giant Grimm behind her. It looked a few feet bigger than even her captor. It had a huge, reptilian head, connected to its massive body by a S-curved neck. It had a pair of small, two-fingered arms. Its legs were much bigger than its arms, and held its body upright. Its feet resembled a bird's, with deadly claws. A long tail kept the reptilian Grimm balanced. Under its skull helmet, a pair of glowing red eyes stared up at Yang.

She instantly started looking for a way down. But there was still no way off this tree. The Grimm approached her. In an instant, it sat right in front of her. Its jaws opened wide, and Yang was almost swallowed.

She leaned back, and the teeth snapped shut directly in front of her. Yang hadn't screamed during any Grimm attack before, but the lingering fear of her captor and the near-death experienced forced a shriek from her, which traveled through the jungle.

But the reptilian Grimm wasn't done with its attack. It pulled its head back, and tried one more time to clamp its jaws over the helpless blonde.

Kong emerged from the trees, called by Yang's scream. He roared, and bashed against the Grimm. Its mouth snapped shut right in front of Yang, and it fell to the ground.

Yang clung to the tree, breathing rapidly. She was confused and terrified, and trying to comprehend the situation unfolding. It took her a moment to realize Kong had come back, and he was fighting the Grimm.

The reptilian Grimm stood up, and faced Kong. The beast was undeterred by the soulless creature's glare. He roared a challenge.

The giants clashed, teeth snapping, and fists swinging. Yang watched the battle with widened eyes. She had never been so conflicted in her life. On one hand, if the Grimm won, she would certainly die. On the other hand, if Kong won, she would be held in his hands once more, and the mere thought terrified her to her core.

Kong grabbed at the Grimm's feet, and pulled them from under it. The creature toppled over, and Kong stood over it, bashing his fists against its skull. The reptilian Grimm pushed its foot against Kong's chest, and thrust. The beast toppled backwards, and collapsed to the ground.

The giants stood back up, and ran into another brutal brawl. The Grimm snapped at Kong, but he avoided each attack. He punched it in the head, disorienting it for a moment. But the creature swung its head back around, and charged forward. Its head hit Kong's chest, and he stumbled backwards.

As Kong started to fall, his back crashed against the dead tree, and it started to descend with him.

Yang grabbed the tree, and held on tight as it fell. It hit the ground hard, and Yang felt her head violently bashed against the floor. Her head was in extreme pain, and her aura instantly shattered at the impact. Her ears were ringing, and the loud roaring of the primal rage above her was only making it worse.

Yang shook away the pain. She was no longer high above the battle. Aura or not, now she was on the ground, and she could run away. She tried to stand, but her legs were suddenly in agonizing pain.

Yang looked down, and realized a branch was pinning her legs to the ground. It was thick, and the pressure on her legs was immense. She struggled to pull herself free, but she was stuck. She tried to move her legs, but she couldn't feel anything below her thighs. She was trapped, and she couldn't go anywhere. All she could do was watch the clash of the giants above her.

Kong lunged onto the reptilian Grimm's back. He grabbed onto its jaws, and began to pry them open. The Grimm roared loudly, and tried to shake Kong off. Instead, it fell onto its side. Kong recovered immediately, and pushed his foot against the Grimm's neck to keep it from escaping its defenseless position.

Furred hands grasped at the reptilian snout, and the jaws were pried open once more. The Grimm roared in agony, and blood was beginning to pour from its lips. Kong tugged even harder, and the jaws were ripped open with a sickening crack. The roar was practically a scream now, but Kong wasn't done. He grabbed the upper jaw, and pushed down. Yang looked away, and she could hear the cracking of the Grimm's skull.

The jungle went quiet, and the battle was over. Kong had won. He placed his foot on the neck of the Grimm, roared in victory, and pounded his breast.

The body of the Grimm began to dissolve into black smoke. Kong finally brought his attention back to Yang. He stepped over to the fallen tree, and looked down at her.

Yang made eye contact with the beast. All the terror that had filled her last night came back in an instant, and she screamed. She tried everything she could to escape the tree, but her legs wouldn't budge.

Kong reached a furred hand down. He grabbed the tree, and lifted it up, freeing her. She whimpered, and tried to stand up, but her legs had completely lost their strength. She could only crawl away. It wouldn't get her far, but she was going to try.

Yang turned away from Kong, pulling herself away as quickly as she could. She looked back for only a moment, only to see Kong's hand reaching for her. He picked her back up from the ground before she could go anywhere.

Yang screamed. She tried to struggle, but she couldn't even kick her legs. They were completely limp, and dangling high above the ground as Kong lifted her.

She started sobbing. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. All hope of rescue had completely vanished. For all she knew, the rescue party had been killed by Kong. She'd had every opportunity to escape, but now she was even more helpless than before. Her legs were crushed, and she couldn't even run. Whatever Kong had planned for her, there was nothing she could do about it now.

Kong lumbered further into the jungle . . .

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