Chapter VIII

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The great wall stood fifty feet high.

It was made of stone, which stretched on in either direction. Wooden scaffolding led to the top of the wall, where, in the middle, a massive gong hung from stone. Just below the gong was a wooden gate, which was locked shut by a wooden log.

The crew emerged from the forest that cut off the village from the beach, and finally laid eyes on the great wall. They were so focused on the wall they almost didn't notice the huts of the village they had entered, and didn't take note that the drumming came from right in front of the wall.

Yang stared up at the wall. Like everyone else, she wondered who had made it. She wondered what the reason was for building it. Had it truly been built to keep something out? Was there some sort of other purpose? But there was one question that stuck with her the most. What were they trying to keep out?

"That wall, Skipper!" Dr. Oobleck said to Englehorn, filled with awe and wonder. "Do you have anything to say to that?!"

"Colossal," Englehorn said. "It looks like it was made in Mistral."

"What I want to know," Oobleck said, so fast few could keep up, "is what's on the other side of it."

Before anyone else could say anything, another sound joined the drums. It was the sound of voices of a tribe's chanting.


Even Oobleck was silent, though his excitement did not die down. He stared silently in the direction of the chanting, though it was hidden by a hut that blocked off their view of whatever lay in front of the wall.

"Come on," he said to the crew, gesturing for them to follow.

Team RWBY and Englehorn stayed as close to Oobleck as possible as he slowly started to approach the hut, and the bushes that sat beside it. The chanting got louder with each step they took.


"You hear that?" Oobleck said. "They're saying, 'Kong! Kong!'"

"What do you think is happening?" Ruby asked Englehorn.

"It sounds like a ceremony," Englehorn said.

In his many years of sailing, the skipper had encountered a good couple of villages before, and had seen enough ceremonies to know what one sounded like.

"What are they celebrating?" Weiss asked.

"I haven't heard enough," Englehorn said.

Oobleck stopped at the bushes beside the hut. "Everyone quiet! I'm going to see what's going on!"

Oobleck leaned forward, and pushed the bushes aside. His eyes widened at what he saw.


All of the natives in the village were gathered in front of the village. All of them were dark-skinned faunus. In the middle of the gathering, a naked woman was seated. A monkey tail was wrapped around her waist to hide her womanly parts. Necklaces made from flower petals were draped over her neck by the natives, which kept her breasts hidden. In front of her, natives were dressed up in gorilla outfits, and moved in a circle formation, occasionally beating their chests. There were two of these groups of men in gorilla suits. It was these men who chanted.


On either side of the woman the ceremony surrounded were natives beating on drums. In front of her, a crowd of the women and children were gathered to watch. Behind her stood all of the warriors of the village, and, looming above her from directly behind was the chief. The man had a pair of fox ears over his head, with a huge cape draping from his broad, muscular shoulders.

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