Chapter X

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The chanting was all around Yang, and the flames of the torches was beginning to burn at her lilac eyes. Multiple warriors gripped at her arms and shoulders, shoving her to the ground. As strong as she was, she couldn't find the strength to struggle herself free of so many hands, all of which were the village's strongest.

Yang was scared, and it was a feeling that she wasn't used to. She had never been so helpless in her life. Did anyone know she was even gone? For all she knew, not even Ruby would notice she was gone until she woke up the next morning.

Yang twisted herself around, and looked up at the gong above the great wall. She could see the chief standing in front of it, and staring down at her. He may have been at a distance, but even from here, Yang could tell he felt no guilt for what was happening.

But, just as the thought fully processed in her mind, the warriors turned Yang back around, and shoved her so her torso was facing the ground.


Behind her, natives climbed a platform raised to the log that locked the gate shut. They grabbed it, and started to pull it away from the massive, wooden gate. Yang managed to just barely turn herself around. Before the warriors turned her back around, she could see a group of natives grabbing the gate, and pull it open.

She struggled viciously, knowing her fate was closing in, and doing everything in her power to avoid it. The hands lost their grip for the briefest of moments, only to close in quickly after, dirty nails digging into her flesh.

Yang cried out in agony, tears stinging at her eyes, but even her own desperate cries were drowned out by the drumming and chanting around her.


Hands shifted, adjusting themselves to lift Yang off the ground to her feet. She kicked and squirmed as she was lifted, but everything she tried was in vain. She could feel natives pushing her from behind, and she knew no matter how hard she tried, whatever fate they had in mind for her couldn't be avoided.

She looked up at the gate, and she could see a dense jungle, with nothing but darkness on the other side. Sitting just in front of the jungle was an altar, which was raised high above the ground. At the top of the altar, two pillars stood beside to each other, and Yang knew she was going to be tied to them.

Her lilac eyes gazed up at the opened gate as she was dragged past it, and to the other side. She felt terror the moment she was outside of the protection of the wall, dragged into the realm of whatever the natives were trying to protect themselves from.

What horrors were hidden inside the darkness of these jungles?

The natives shoved and pulled Yang up the stairs to the pillar, even as she tried to pull back, praying someone would save her, or that she could save herself. But too many warriors held her, and she couldn't stop this, no matter how hard she tried.

She was tugged to the top of the altar, and her arms were lifted to the pillars. Free hands grasped ropes attached to the pillars, and tied them around her wrists. By the time they were done, the ropes were excruciatingly tight. Her aura was draining, and Yang could already feel the pain in her wrists.

As soon as they had finished, the natives spun around, rushing away from the blonde as quickly as they could to return to the safety of the wall, with the rest of the chanting natives.


Yang twisted her head around as far as it could go, and she watched in terror as the natives pushed the wall closed behind her, leaving her helpless on the other side, with no one to save her.

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