The teasing continued, and so did the planning for the rest of the night. It was a ritual to go out to eat after our game, so we debated options.

Finally, I was washed, and changed, and headed out, finding my girlfriend waiting for me close to the doors.

I hugged her again for good measure, kissing her temple.

"There's a party at Jessica's house. Did you want to go?" Lexi told me, as we headed towards my car.

She'd drove here with Daphnee, but she was coming back with me.

"Yeah, I think almost everyone in the team is going after we eat out. We could do that. Is your father okay if you stay out late?"

Lexi rolled her eyes at me, unimpressed. "You're such a kiss ass with my dad. It's fine, I told him I was going to sleep over at your place afterwards."

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You planned this?"

"You hid from me all week long," she whined, elbowing me.

"I didn't hide from you, we were inseparable at school everyday," I replied defensively, my voice slightly amused.

"Suuuuure," Lexi replied, looking at me like she knew I knew what she was talking about. I grinned back at her sheepishly. "Now come on, let's go eat. Where are we going?"

"Cicis' Pizza."

She snorted. "Is Peter going to puke in the parking lot again?"

"There have been some bets made," I told her, amused.

Last time we had gone there, Peter had been sick. It was an all you can eat pizza place. There was pasta too and desserts. We usually tried to see who could stuff themselves the most there, so it often ended badly.

Like last time for Peter, puking his guts out beside his car.

We drove to the restaurant quickly, joining the rest of the guys that were already there.

We were a big gang, so we split off in three tables, ordering full specific pizzas for each table.

"So, we're keeping the crusts to keep track and whoever eats the most slices win?" Cameron said.

"Wins what? Alex asked. His boyfriend was sitting beside him.

"They don't have to pay?" Trevor replied.

Lexi rolled her eyes looking at the twin like he was an idiot. "We all already paid while coming in though."

"They win our eternal admiration. And disgust," Trevor offered.

We all ate, chatting amongst ourselves and joking around.

I was getting to know Travis. It was a little weird to think that the last time I had seen him I'd been jealous of him thinking he might have been interested in Lexi.

I really was such an idiot.

I was doing my best to get along with him, so Lexi would be happy that her friends liked her boyfriend. It wasn't too hard though. Travis was nice.

The only trouble I had during this dinner, was the Lexi had taken off my jacket. And the neckline of the shirt she was wearing was low. Not like, indecently low, just low enough to make me suffer.

I kept glancing at her side ways, and every time I did it, Lexi smirked like she knew exactly what she had done.

In the end, Connor and Jimmy were tied for the most eaten pieces of pizza and argued like their lives were on the line between each other saying one of them had cheated, or hid a piece of crust from the other.

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