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And she cupped my face in her palms
Her eyes glistening with so much love

"A man who truly loves you, my dear
Will never ask you for anything harram"

"He will never encourage you
To be who you're not
And he'll never leave you alone"

"He will never raise
Either his voice or hand against you"

"He would look out for you
In times of need & be empathetic "

"He will never make you feel small
And will never hurt you intentionally "

"He would do his best to make you happy
And keep your heart pure"

"He won't let his desires come between
You & him"

"He will shower you with love
Whenever he gets the chance"

"He won't stop reminding you about your lord
And how blessed he is to have you"

"He won't mind planning the future with you
And looking for ways to get there"

"He will show you off to his loved ones
And be proud to call you his own"

"He won't belittle you for anything "

"He won't discourage you from chasing your dreams"

"He will be your brother,
The father you never knew,
And the son you never had "

"He will protect you with all his heart
And be ready to guide you always"

Such men, my dear
Are rare as a hare

21 Petals Of MoonWhere stories live. Discover now