Chapter Nine;

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Chapter Nine ; The Blood Oath

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Chapter Nine ;
The Blood Oath

It was now September, and all of the Losers Club had gathered around to discuss what had happened and say goodbye to Beverly because she was leaving the next day to live with her aunt in Portland.

"I can only remember parts, I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like. I saw us, all together back in the cistern, but we were older, like, our parents' ages." Beverly explained.

"W-W-What were we all doing there?" Bill asked from beside Richie, Ophelia and Murphy.

"I just remember how we felt. How scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that."

Bill suddenly grabbed a shard of glass off of the floor, standing up. "Swear it. S-Swear if IT isn't dead, if IT ever comes back, we'll come back, too."

Everyone shared a look, before Ophelia stood up, holding her still healing stomach.

Richie and Eddie also stood up, making the rest of the group follow.

Bill exhaled as he sliced his palm with the shard of glass. He then sliced Richie's palm and then Eddie's before continuing until he got to Ophelia.

He hesitantly placed the shard of glass against her palm, making eye contact with her, but she avoided it. She wasn't being rude, it was just a thing that happened, she could never make eye contact for more than three seconds.

Bill sliced her palm before moving back to his original space and they all grabbed each other's hands.

After a few minutes, they let each other's hand go.

"I gotta go." Stanley stated. "I hate you." He said, Looking at Bill.

Bill looked at his shoes, gulping before Stanley started smirking, making the rest of them laugh. "I'll see you later." He then walked away.

Eddie hugged Richie and Ophelia before saying goodbye to the rest of them.

They all left until it was just Richie, Ophelia, Murphy and Bill left.

"See you around, Lia, Bill." Richie walked away.

"See you, Rich." Both Ophelia and Bill replied, watching him walk away before sitting on a log.

"Y-Y-You look nice today." Bill complimented, making Ophelia look at him.


There was an awkward silence between the two.

"I'm sorry." Ophelia muttered.

"For w-what?" Bill questioned, stoking Murphy who was laying in front of them on the grass.

"The thing I said about Georgie."

"It's fine, y-you were scared and angry."

"You're way too nice to me Bill, you always have been." Ophelia said, messing around with the laces of her shoes.

"Maybe it was because I really liked you, and not in the w-way you think it would have been."

Bill's words shocked Ophelia.

"Maybe I like you in the same way and you just didn't know it."

They sat in silence before Ophelia checked the time on Bill's watch.

"I've got to go home but... I'll see you around." Ophelia stood up, making Murphy stand up and follow after as she walked away.

Hearing footsteps running behind her, Ophelia turned around and Murphy stopped walking.

Bill suddenly kissed her, it took a moment but she kissed back, placing a bloody hand on his cheek and he placed his hands on her waist.

They pulled and Ophelia smiled at him before kissing him again. They pulled away again.

"Bye." Ophelia whispered, pecking his lips before walking away, smiling.

A bush rustled as she walked past it, making her flinch as Richie jumped out of the bush.

"Fuck yes! You finally did it." He exclaimed, hugging her.

"Will you shut up? Wait, why the fuck were you hiding in a bush?"



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Oh, Ophelia *Bill Denbrough*Where stories live. Discover now