Chapter Four;

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Chapter Four ; Bloody Bathroom

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Chapter Four ;
Bloody Bathroom

Ophelia lay with her head hanging off of her bed asleep with Murphy laying beside her in the same position, also asleep. Richie was laying on the floor next to her bed, asleep, with Ophelia's hair hanging in his face. Stanley, Bill and Eddie were spread out across her room, all of them sleeping peacefully.

Ben and Jocelyn were standing in the doorway of Ophelia's bedroom, contemplating on how to wake them up.

"Is she okay?" Jocelyn asked, staring at the position Ophelia was sleeping in.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's fine. Richie told me she sleeps like that most of the time." Ben answered.

"When did he tell you that?"

"Not important right now." Ben took a deep breath, "Ophelia!"

Ophelia and Murphy flinched awake, tumbling off of the bed and landing on Richie. Jocelyn sighed, walking out of her daughter's room and going down the stairs.

Bill, Stanley and Eddie were all awake now and were either rubbing their eyes or stretching.

Ophelia groaned from her position on the floor, "Was that really necessary?"

Ben shrugged and Richie grunted, pushing Ophelia off of him. Bill got up and walked over to Ophelia, helping her off of the floor.

"Beverly called me and said that we need to hurry over to her apartment." Ben stated.

"Ooh, Beverly." Ophelia exclaimed. She rushed to her dresser to grab some clothes before rushing into the bathroom that was connected onto her room.

The boys laughed before also going to get changed.


After a few minutes, the boys and Ophelia were all dressed and were walking down the stairs of Ophelia's house.

"Bye Mom, I'm going out with the boys and I'm taking Murphy with me." Ophelia yelled, causing Murphy to sprint towards the door.

Jocelyn yelled a goodbye and Ophelia hopped out of the door, attempting to put her shoes on while keeping a hold of Murphy's leash.

"Putting your shoes on would be a lot easier if you sat down." Richie told her, taking the dog leash and handing it to Bill.

"Why would I do that?" Ophelia asked, trying to tie her laces with her foot in the air.

"Can we go now?" Stanley questioned, grabbing his bike as Ophelia finished tying the laces on her left shoe.

"Yeah." Ophelia grabbed her bike and Bill handed her the dog leash back, Ophelia reached down and unclipped the dog leash from Murphy's collar. She placed the leash in Richie's backpack before getting on her bike.

Oh, Ophelia *Bill Denbrough*Where stories live. Discover now