Chapter One;

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Chapter One ;Sleepover

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Chapter One ;

Sitting slumped at her desk, Ophelia stared blankly at the clock, hoping that if she stared long enough, it would move faster, and she could run like hell out of this traumatizing place.

It was the last day of school before summer, and Ophelia was desperate to escape and spend the summer having fun with her friends: The Losers Club.

Henry Bowers and his gang of followers had given the group that name when they found out that Ophelia was hanging out with the younger boys. She was really the only girl who would go out of their way to talk to the group, but that lead to rumors being created and spread around that Ophelia had sex with all of the boys in the group and that was the only reason they actually liked her.

But the truth was that Richie Tozier and Ophelia had been Neighbours for longer than the two could remember, meaning that they had a weird friendship with each other since they were little kids and Richie was there for her when Ophelia needed someone to help her deal with everything that happened with her Dad. So, a few years ago, Richie decided that she should be a part of the group and he properly introduced her to the other boys, even though she had seen them all in the corridors at school or caught a glimpse of them when they were walking towards Richie's house, and she was practicing tricks with her dog in the front yard.

Ophelia and Bill probably had the closest friendship in the group, not counting Richie and Ophelia's, and they were usually the two who planned the big sleepovers which were nearly always at Ophelia's house since her mom worked long shifts at the hospital and her dad wasn't aloud anywhere near them, not that anyone except from Richie knew.

The boys in the Losers Club made Ophelia feel welcome, safe and hidden from all of the things that people like to spread about her.


Of course, the last class of the day had to be the one where she was by herself, usually her and Richie would be getting lectured about throwing things at each other or being moved to the opposite sides of the classroom, so they weren't able to not-so-discreetly whisper together. But instead, she was stuck by herself, bored out of her mind waiting for the class to end.

"Miss Burns?!"

Ophelia finally turned her head to look at the front of the classroom, where her teacher was standing with her hands on her hips, impatiently waiting for Ophelia to say something.


"Answer the question." The teacher demanded.

"Shit." Ophelia muttered, sitting up in her chair and glancing at the clock, seeing that there was only 60 seconds till the end of the day. "Well, I would but I wasn't really listening and there's only a minute till the end of the day. I don't think it would be worth it if I rambled on about whatever that shit is..." Ophelia gestured to the board. "...When I have no fucking clue what I'm talking about."

Oh, Ophelia *Bill Denbrough*Where stories live. Discover now