Chapter Eight;

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Chapter Eight ; "Where is Ophelia?"

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Chapter Eight ;
"Where is Ophelia?"

Bill ran into the arcade, seeing Richie standing at one of the games, aggressively hitting the buttons. "Richie."

"What do you want?" Richie snapped, not looking away from the game. "See that guy I'm hitting? I'm pretending it's you."

"I-I-IT got Beverly." Bill stated.

"What are you talking about?"

"IT, Richie. IT got Beverly."

Richie finally looked away from his game, "Where is Ophelia? Why isn't she here with you?"

"I couldn't find her, she wasn't at her house and neither was Murphy."

"She might have just taken him on a walk." Richie suggested walking out of the arcade with Bill.

"No, her Mom said that she went out hours ago and hasn't come back."

"That's worrying." 

"I know."


After they had rounded up all of their friends, Bill and Richie were riding their bikes towards the Neibolt again.

"Guys, spikes." Bill said, crouching down.

Eddie took the Fanny-pack off and threw it away, making a few of the boys smile at him.

Richie picked up a dirty glass bottle from the ground before hitting it against the railing of the stairs. He dropped the neck of the bottle on the ground, since it was pretty much useless.

They all walked up the steps to the house, not noticing the blue cars that sat near it.


They all turned toward the open door that they had just walked through. Stanley stood at the door, not moving inside like the rest of them had.

"Stan, we all have to go? B-B-Beverly was right. If we split up like the last time, that clown will kill us one by one. But if we stick together, all of us, we'll win. I promise."

"We can't win without Ophelia, she's the strongest out of our group."

"I know, but we have to try." Bill replied, making Stanley step inside the house, walking towards them.

They walked down a set of stairs that led to the room where Bill saw the Well, all of them shining their flashlights in different directions.

"Hey, Eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie asked as they walked toward a broken Well that was surrounded by dirty kids toys and broken furniture.

Oh, Ophelia *Bill Denbrough*Where stories live. Discover now