Chapter Seven;

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Chapter Seven ; Stanley's Bar Mitzvah

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Chapter Seven ;
Stanley's Bar Mitzvah

Ophelia enters the synagogue with her Mom next to her.

Jocelyn waves at Richie's Mom, and they sit next to each other with Richie and Ophelia next to them.

"Hey, Rich." Ophelia greets, brushing her straightened auburn hair over her shoulder.

"Hey Lia, where's Murphy?" He asked.

"Mom said I should leave him at home because he's not an official service dog and they would have made him stay outside." Ophelia answered.

"Aw, look at them. So cute in their matching colours." Richie's Mom stated.

Both Richie and Ophelia looked down at their outfits before looking at each other, groaning.

"Are you fucking kiddding me?" Ophelia muttered as Richie groaned.

"That's so embarrassing."

A moment of silence passed between them, neither of them knowing what to say. It wasn't awkward because they had spoken to each other nearly everyday since the argument and both of them had agreed that they were just scared and didn't want to die.

"Do you know if anyone else is coming?" Ophelia questioned, causing Richie to shake his head.

"I think it's just us two. But I don't know, I haven't spoken to any of the others since that day."

Everyone goes silent as Stan walks onto the podium. He scans the audience quickly before his eyes land on Ophelia and Richie, he smiles, glad that two of his friends came to support him.


Ophelia, Richie and Stanley all sat on the steps of the synagogue, away from the crowds of people inside.

"I swear, if I have to wear these shoes again... I will die." Ophelia groaned, pulling one of her shoes off of her foot and rubbing it.

"What's wrong with them?" Stanley asked.

"They're new and they're hurting my feet." Ophelia explained.

"Pass one of them here." Stan said, taking the shoe out of Ophelia's hand as she reached back to give it to him.

He bent the shoe and hit it off of the step before giving it back to her. She slipped it onto her foot, sighing in relief when the tightness of the shoe was gone.

"Stan, you might have just saved me from ripping my own foot off." Ophelia sighed, handing him her other shoe.

"I think that's a little bit dramatic." Richie laughed.

"It's not. You don't know what it feels like, imagine your foot being stuck in a vacuum sealed bag all day."

Richie groaned as he imagined the feeling, "is that why you wear the same shoes everyday?"

"Yes, exactly the reason." She answers, pointing at him.

They all laughed, making a few adults walking past shoot them weird looks. They all looked at each other before laughing even more.

"I can't believe it's just us three right now." Stanley stated.

"I don't think all eight of us would fit comfortably on these three steps." Ophelia responded.

"We would, somehow."

They were silent before Ophelia spoke up, "This conversation turned really depressing so fast."

"I know."



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Oh, Ophelia *Bill Denbrough*Where stories live. Discover now