Chapter Three;

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Chapter Three ;The Quarry

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Chapter Three ;
The Quarry

Ophelia stood on a rock next to Eddie, as all of the boys (including Ben) played Loogie. They were all standing in their underwear, Ophelia refused to play Loogie so she was the judge. Richie went first and spat into the quarry beneath him, before laughing.

"That was shit!" Ophelia exclaimed.

The four original Losers Club boys were used to her comments, it happened every time.

Stanley was next, "Also shit." Then Bill spat. "Decent, but poor tree." Ophelia mumbled the last part, looking down at the small tree that most of the boy's spit had landed on.

It was Ben's turn, "Not that bad."

Then finally, Eddie. His splattered on the ground in front of his feet.

"What the fuck was that?" Ophelia asked incredulously, pointing down at the spit.

"A winning Loogie." Eddie responded, proudly.

"Fuck you, no it isn't. It's distance, not mass." Ophelia argued.

Eddie scoffed, "No, it's mass. It's always been fucking mass."

"Um, I think out of everyone here, I would know if it was distance or mass. And it's fucking distance, when has it ever been mass?"

"What is mass?!" Richie shouted, confused.

"Who cares how far it goes? It matters how cool it looks, like if it's green or white, or juicy and fat." Eddie replied.

"Aren't you supposed to be a Germaphobe? Because it doesn't fucking sound like it." Ophelia snapped.

"All right. W-who's first?" Bill questioned, before an argument could break out and someone could be slapped by Ophelia.

"I nominate Eddie." Ophelia stated, laughing.

"I'll go!" Someone yelled from behind them, making them all turn.

They saw Beverly taking off her dress, making Ophelia widen her eyes and place a hand over her mouth. Beverly ran towards them, making them step out of the way so she could jump into the water. "Sissies."

"Holy shit! We just got shown up by a girl who wasn't Ophelia." Richie exclaimed.

"Do we have to do that now?" Stanley asked.

"Yes." Eddie answered, before getting pushed into the water by Ophelia. She jumped in after him, landing next him in the water.

"Yes." Eddie answered, before getting pushed into the water by Ophelia. She jumped in after him, landing next him in the water.

Oh, Ophelia *Bill Denbrough*Where stories live. Discover now