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       "When People fall in love, for           
        Someone, they expressed more
        Emotions, then usually."


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Love love.


Jimin pov.

I'm really excited about my album, after the disband. I'm the 2nd member, who going to release his album.

I'm here to invite namjoon hyung and his girlfriend, I know she is not the same one.

I saw last time.

But when, I enter in the hyung studio.

He is throwing everything, whatever comes in his hand.

I shout out.." namjoon hyung!! what are you doing ?"

But he didn't stop, so I hold his hand but he brust out in tears and said while sobbing," jimin ".

I hug him instantly as my reflexes,
" calm down.. hyung.. calm down... "

After a few minutes, he calm down but, I'm bit confused.

I first make him sit on sofa and given some water.

" what happen hyung " I asked very formally.

" I hurt.. her.. ji-jimin.. I'm bad.. that no one.. lov-love me back.. even she also.. run.. away.. what I did.. huh.. I'm not.. bad.. please.. mak-ke.. her..understand that... jimin.. I lik-like.. he-her..." he said and again, he started crying.

Last time, saw him crying like this, when we're going to perform, last concert, he cried the most among us.

I really don't know,
what happen, " hyung.. what happen"
I asked.

he told me, whole story about him and y/n, " I really-lly like y/n.. jimin".

I instantly replied him, " but whatever.. you did.. is.. wrong.. can't assume anyone's relation on the of their.. behavior... might they just friends.. or bestfriend... not wrong...if girl or boy.. is bestfriend.. you did.. wrong.. hyung..  ", " I know.. jimin.. but what now... I hurt her.. how I can.. apologize her. " he said while downing his head.

" let go to her and ask for direc apologize." I suggested.

" I did that but.." he said but paused

"but what she rejected that also" I assumed.

" no.. actually, jeoseok already comforting her, I can't.. " he didn't completed his sentence.

"Don't worry, I will convince her, okay." I assure him, " now stop crying hyung" I said him and he just nodded.

After spend sometime, with him.
I thought, now he is okay, then I decided go to y/n. I tell to hyung not to come with me.

But he was ugred to come with me but I said no, cause if, I was in place of y/n beat him, for what he did.

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