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Namjoon pov.

I come back to my home. I open the door and the silence of this house is make me, cry miserably. I just broken down. I dream about family with her and she just left me, jus-just left m-me
I cried, the tears which, I holding from the dressing room tears which, not stopping but after few minutes, my phone rang. I see the caller ID is mom.
I picked


NJ : mo-mom... sh-she... left-ft... me-e...( I totally broken down  in front of my mom)

N mom : joon, joon calm down, son calm down.

NJ : mom,why you ask her, what's the matter, we will slove it, right ask her, her ( I said with hope of that mom can convince her)
N mom : joon shh... shh... calm down son. she left you, you have to think about future, about your album whatever happen, is for best hmm, now stop crying, like baby, okay.
I just hummed
N mom : focus on, future maybe whatever happening is for good hmm.
NJ : mom, can you come here. I'm feeling lonely, please. ( sobbing)
N mom : yes son, we will come to meet you till evening hmm,  take care son. I'm coming and don't cry, my handsome child. ( she fake laughed)
And I just hummed.
I cut the call and stand up for the floor and go to refresh myself, mom was right, whatever happen is for good maybe Mia, is not that person. I'm looking for, I'm now just gonna focus on my album.

Y/N pov.

I woke up by a call and it's by my mom shoots. I'm finish now, what I gonna explain her huh... I took a deep breath, nothing just true. I'm going tell her, just truth, nothing else, I again take a deep, deep breath and pick up the call

( OTP)

Y/N : mom
Y mom : where are you ahh, how many calls I gave, you didn't pick up one.
( I saw the phone screen 7 calls, from her and 5 calls from brother. I'm finish, now God save me) ahh, can't you just pick up one call ahh..
Y/N : I was sleeping. ( in very slow voice)
Y mom : with whom that boy ahh, what news showing ahhh, you're getting married with him ahh, without telling your mom and dad, what you think can do whatever, you want ah, really, y/n.
I don't know what to say huh, why did you hide this from us, we ever said no to you huh, you are our only daughter, why you do this huh.
Y/N : mom, listen to me first then assume anything ( interpret her cause I know, she never gonna stop ) I'm not marrying him first and second is-
Y mom : what  then what this news channel showing.
Y/N : mom, listen me first, it's a contract.
Y mom : y/n, what are you saying. I don't understand.
Y/N : mom, actually things are like, ( explain her whole story in precise )
Y mom : so, his girlfriend leave him... and you are his fake girlfriend for one year ( I just hummed) y/n, I'm not feeling good about this honey.
Y/N : mom, I'm also worried but I don't see any other option to help him. it's question for his back come, and you know RM..he is passionate for his work.
Y mom : hmm, but my daughter is best.
I know that for sure,.honey one year of your life, with that famous man, you think your life gonna be easy, huh.
Y/N : I don't know mom.
Y mom : you are fine, na.
Y/N  : yeah.
Y mom : take care, okay and call often and also pick up the calls, you brat. I know you put phone silent mode and I calling you, like idoti.
Y/N : ahhuhh.. mom
Y mom : mimick her daughter) eat something huh and call me often bye.
Y/N : yea.. mom bye.

I cutted the call.

I sighed and watch the clock is 7.30 p.m.
I got up and go to bathroom to refresh myself.

Namjoon pov.

I was working on my home studio and I heard, door bell. I get up and open it, and it's my mom and dad.I instantly hugged my mom and tears are formed automatically and my mom said " sh.. sh... honey, calm down look,  I'm here". While rubbing my back, stood straight and saw my dad and I hug him too.
And they both entered in my house. yeah... house, now it's not a home, where I can feel the feeling of the love it's just house for me now.

Mom asked, " did you eat, anything."
I nodded into no, she sighed and go to the kitchen and start preparing dinner.

Meanwhile dad said suddenly " son, let's talk " I nodded " and get that beer bottles..too" he add.

Me and Dad are drinking, we always use to wherever, I go to my hometown, me and dad always, drink and he always give me advice, about life and that's what I want now an advice.

I'm thinking about this things and dad spoken up," so, you love her."

" I don't know" I said.

" then why are you affect by her that much, hmm" I was just silently sitting there.

" son " he said, " look I know, you both having, many arguments but." he take a pause and continue.

" I didn't aspecting for her, she can do to this things, maybe she is not in love with you anymore " I just hummed.

and he continued, " son, you know, when I fell in love with your mom, when she said me that, 'nam, let's get marry. I can't wait to start new life with you .' that time I felt no this is not attraction or anything else. I love her truly, l like, I can spend, my whole life with her and you know I'm also happy that I accept her and I get son like you."

"You know joon, when you meet that person, your time will spend like magically, you want more time with them, to spend more this 24 hrs, that's what I know about love son " dad by taking sip for beer.

he said," it's better, you both get apart now, not in future, the girl was smart, she know rather hurt you now is better then future. And I know my son, will find his love, I know" he laugh and I just listened his each word, " come let's go, nor your mom will give lecture." I nodded and dad left.
I stand up, from my place and seeing the city light.

I thinking whatever dad said, he is not wrong also cause, my and Mia, relation is not that good to regret, maybe I'm happy that Mia, seen the future, and decided to leave me, and I taken sip of beer.

What your parents..  best advice for you..

Ik sometime.. our mom and dad get too.. far from us. or we make distant from them... see there are some.. part of their life you didn't see or they didn't let you see.. and vice a versa.. Ik many things you also.. hide from your, I think  and I know it's hard.. but please try to understand there  side.. also, sometimes they also need your advice..
Spend more time with them.. instead of in phone..  go and watch some old movie with them.. old movies.. cause now a days.. movie is trash.. believe me.. it only.. think about adult life.. but there are some.. like ' gullak '
( indian web series )

Our parents are open.. with us.. when we open up overselves... with them.. ik the idols.. you follow they.. also.. go through the same.. process... cause if they don't open up or share there opinions with thier parents.. then they can't be what they are today..
It will take.. time but they will understand.

Huh.. Ms. Writer.. you said.  Soo much today..
Haha.. sorry
If anyone felt wrong

Love love 💜

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