drunken y/n: part 1

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After few moments,

Namjoon pov.

Me and Mia... is sitting on the corner table... cause she want to talk... with me... and I also want some questions answered... there was silence... between us... for sometime... I'm not even... looking at her... my attention on jeoseok and y/n... jeoseok forcing her to drink and everyone hooed-up...when she drink it...

But Mia caroled," namjoon.. I'm sorry...I not show up that day... "
I said.. nothing,

she continued...

" actually... I feel that... we are not working... but I couldn't make up.. myself..  to tell you.. directly... but when I decided to tell you... you proposed me... and it's become.. more hard.. cause  I couldn't say no.. when you propose me... I think after...few days.. I will clear myself with you... but then you.. declare about conference... I get more scared... I can't waste.. anyone life.. and you don't deserve that to... I didn't come that... day and when.. I see the news about you and her.. it makes me worry... about you... that's why I come... here. To meet you last time... I'm  going to Eupora... forever... please namjoon say something... I know.. I'm wrong.. but I please forgive me.. I'm really sorry."
She shaked my hand...

but I thinking that, why  I couldn't... ask her opinion on marriage... on conference... I only thinking about me... how I can't see her side.. how..?? And I recounted , " don't be sorry... Mia..  it's not only your.. fault.. it's mine too... that I can't understand your side.. I can't see your point of view.. I'm also faulty.. I should be same apologize... as you.. I'm sorry to not ask your opinion... I'm sorry too.."

Mia..said comically... but in sad tone
" so... we're equal ha.."
" yes.." I said with faded smile...
There was silence... for sometime

Then y/n... start.. shouting.. and my instant reflexes also... make me.. think twice on myself....I ran towards there...

Y/N pov.

After our emotional... speech.. me and jeosoek... emotional fools... and we love our... friend also... so  been... emotional fools is good... so now, we all sitting around the big table... sana... is beside.. me, I saw namjoon.. is sitting with girl... I casually asked to sana.. who is she... she told me that she is Mia.

I'm just looking at them... they were sitting there... namjoon seem sad... I'm seeing them... but.

jeoseok oppa come and sit in front of...me, which block my view... then  jeoseok... said, " so Ms.y/n.. remember you promise... me yesterday.. that you will do anything.. I ask for..remember.." I nodded, since I did it..

he continued, " you have to take five shots.. of the strongest.. beers." My eyes wide up.." what are you saying... haa... no I didn't even drink..ever.. and you asking me to take... five shots.. come oppa.. ask something easy.." I'm compensating  him... but it's seem.. he is not..convince.. then I said," how about only two shots.. since... I never drink... it can be fair.." and he said," okay".. by giving me two shots.. and I drink up one by one.. everyone hooed-up... I felt... sore... in my neck... and then jeoseok oppa... stand up.. for his place and I see Mia..  hold namjoon... hand... I don't know... what I feel.. I start drinking all shots.. which are in front of me.. jeoseok oppa.. try to stop me.. but I didn't listen.. him..

Jeoseok pov.

I agreed with her... for two shots.. I don't know... what happen to her... she start drinking all shots..  in front of her.. I try to stop her but she yanked me... after minutes... she drink up... ten shots.. which are neat... I can't believe she never drink before....

I thought... she is sleepy.. so went near and wake up her... to ask her.. let's go home.. but suddenly... she woke and  stand up on table and start.. singing some indian song...then...she shout out.. Suddenly.

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