Part 30

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Our food arrived, and while we were eating we were also playing 21 questions to really get to know each other. So Lee, what's your favourite colour? It's red (I'm not sure because I couldn't find it, if anyone knows please let me know), what's yours? It's definitely purple and blue. Juul, in how many relationships have you been in? It's actually pretty tame, I've been in one relationship and we broke up in 2020. May I ask who it was? Leah, that's not the concept of the game, I said laughing. But lucky for you Lee, I won't count it as an extra question. My ex-girlfriend is actually still one of my best friends, we broke up because of the difficulty of long distance, and also because we fell out of romantical feelings for each other. My ex-girlfriend is Jackie Groenen from the Dutch national team, but there are no feelings between us anymore, except for our friendship. I didn't expect that actually, was she really your first relationship? Yeah, I also never had a one night stand, I said trying to hide from embarrassment. How many people have you dated, love? Actually also just one, and that was Jord. You don't have to talk about her if you don't want to, I know it's a sensitive subject. Thanks Jules. Love, what's your favourite animal? Probably a dog, I really love dogs. What's yours? Probably a wolf or also a dog. This went on for the remaining time that we were eating, and we really got to know each other very well.

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