Part 22

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After the call I bought some tickets for sea life London and for a restaurant around the corner from sealife with live music and italian food. I have plans to go and get Leah some flowers and chocolates, but after yesterday I don't think she'll let me go out at night alone. So I called Beth, Hey Beth can you help me out with something? Hey Jules of course, when? Can you maybe pick me up in 15 minutes, I'll explain in the car. Yeah sure, see you soon.

I walked into the living room and told Leah I would go get something for Viv with Beth. Leah luckily didn't have any suspicion. I grabbed a flannel and one of my caps and went outside. Hey Meado, I said while getting in the car. Hi Juul, where are we going? To the mall, I have a date tomorrow, some gifts and some fancy clothes that aren't wide oversized or flannels, I said. Oooh a date, who's the lucky guy? Beth I'm very gay, you knew that right, I said laughing. Oh yeah I knew that, oops. But who's the lucky girl then? She's really beautiful,shy, a bit stubborn and sweet. OMG Jules, is it our one and only Leah Cathrine Williamson? Yes.... it is, she is my date, but how did you know? I saw her kissing your head from the corner of my eye this morning in the chill room. And Viv told me that you had this crush on someone in the team, I just put 2 and 2 together. So what are we getting our lovely lady, Beth asked me. I'm getting her chocolates, some flowers and a bracelet. I'm also getting myself those fancy clothes we just talked about. We are going to make sure Leah and you have a great date, she really deserves that after Jord, Beth told me. What happened with Lee and Jord, I asked. Jordan cheated on Lee, Lee then broke up with Jord. Leah was feeling really down, until you Juul, you healed our Leah. She is so much happier now she has you, I really want to thank you for being there for her, Beth told me.

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