16 || karoke night

117 6 19

"Monday - it doesn't matter if it's sunday

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Monday - it doesn't matter if it's sunday."





Sabitos POV once again bcuz Third POV is getting tiring

The next morning was good. Me, and Giyuu stayed in our bed until 12 in the afternoon simply because neither of us wanted to get up after the drama that occured last night. Even so, I made my way into the kitchen to make the two of us breakfast. We couldn't just sleep the day away after all, even if we wanted to. We were engaged, and I wanted to make everyday until our wedding day special. Even if what I was doing wasn't exactly much, I wanted to try.

We had got home from Tsutakos' place a tad bit late, but that was fine. Giyuu went to sleep on the car ride home after Tsutako had dropped us off, so I had to carry him on my back into the house. He wanted to sleep on the couch with me, but I said no simply because I did not want to have back cramps in the morning from being in one cuddle position the whole night. So I made him wait until we got into the bed to cuddle properly.

A sudden thought of realization just washed over me as I made me, and Giyuu omelettes for today with a side of bacon and toast. I need to tell our friends before they somehow find out in some crazy way, and by crazy, I mean Shinobu.

That woman always finds things out, one way or another, and it's so fucking annoying, I kid you not.

Out of the corner of my eye, I suddenly spot a tall figure standing there with the blanket wrapped around himself. It was Giyuu cuddling himself in our weighted blanket, his ocean blue eyes in a daze as he watched me cook from afar before making his way over to me, not even sparring the food I was making a second look before wrapping his arms around me in a back hug, keeping his face pressed against my back as he wrapped his blanket covered arms around my torso. I let out a half hearted chuckle. "Still sleepy, love?" I call out, the only response I manage to get is a muffled groan followed with a quiet yawn. I roll my eyes before I shuffle to the cupboard to get our plates since everything was done.

He was not letting me go.

"Deary, you're gonna have tp let me go if you want to eat." I gently scold him, but to my surprise, I don't get a response. Instead, I huff, grabbing our plates and shuffling the two of us to the bedroom. I figure the raven would want to have breakfast in bed seeing as though he has our blanket clinging onto himself.

Eventually, I made it into the bedroom with two plates in hand, and Giyuu clinging onto me from behind. I guide him to the bed, but before I could actually sit down and enjoy the breakfast I had made for the two of us. There was a quiet knock heard on the front door of our apartment. I roll my eyes, feeling as through I've struck a nerve within myself since I had yet to get ready for the day at all. I see the small pout on my lovers face, only leaning down to give him a chaste kiss to his forehead before placing our plates on the dresser, now making my way to answer whoever was at the front door. "Coming.." I roll my eyes out of annoyance as I unlock the door, seeing our group of friends with Tsutako, who was holding a bag that you looked as though it was filled with gifts.

"Congrats!" They all day in sync, startling me as I was still groggy from having waking up not to long ago. Even so, I beckon the group of people inside, and in the misdt of that, I notice a petite woman - her purple tips in her hair rendering me speechless since I recognized immediately who it was. I don't say anything, instead I held a bitch face, which was my usual face I've been told by both Muichirou, and Zenistu at one point.

"How are the two of you doing? It has been awhile since we all last hung out!! Oh, we should do karaoke!!" Misturi squealed, babbling onward about the things we could do as celebration for our engagment. I let out a little sigh - I can't say no when it comes to Misturi, but I have no clue if Giyuu would wanna do all that. He probably just wants to stay inside after all that drama with his family last night. After all, he was still processing how his father has been alive this whole time and his sister lied to him about it since he was a toddler. Before I could say anything, the one and only answers for me instead. "We can go." Giyuu says, his voice low and groggy as his words are followed with a small yawn. I glance over at him, eyeing him to see if there was any trace of a lie, but there was none.

Mitsuri pulls both me, and Giyuu into a tight hug suddenly, almost having me stumble all over myself, but I don't fail to catch myself to prevent from falling. It was also because Misturi has a strong grip as well - I doubt she'd let the three of us fall on her watch. "Ooo! I am so happy for you two! I've been hoping you'd pop the question sooner or later, especially since you two have been with each other since high school!!" She chimes, beaming up at the two of us as she pulls away from the hug. To be honest, it was way too early to be this happy, but I won't kill the vibe if she's excited. Hell, I'm excited too. "What kind of theme are the two of you going for anyways?" Muichirou chirps in, cutting off Mitsuri from her frenzy. Thank the heavens for the kid.

I think for a moment before giving a small shrug, only to hear a dramatic gasp come from Mitsuri herself. "What?" I ask before looking back at Rengoku, who stared at me with wide eyes and his usual grin. I look at him for help, and he gets the hint. "How about your favorite colors meshed into one?! The clothes will be Giyuus' favorite color, and the theme for the wedding will be Sabitos!" And this is why I love this fiery blonde. He's so smart.

"Good idea, Rengoku-San!!" Mitsuri claps her hands in approval, earning a light hearted giggle from Tsutako, who watches from the sidelines before handing me a bag. "Consider this your early bachelor party gift." She gives a gentle smile, one so warm, it burns. I return the gesture.

Later in the day, we all ended up going to the arcade, then finally, the karoke place that was down the street of where me, and Giyuu lived. Mitsuri had won a bunch of gifts from Rengoku, and Obanai at the arcade earlier. Now having Obanai carry them around while Muichirou clung onto the fiery blonde. He was quieter than usual today, almost gloomy, but I don't question it. In fact, I think it was because Rengoku wasn't paying any attention to him. Shinobu was currently singing 'let it go' with Tsutako, and to be honest I wasn't fond of it, but I couldn't say the girl couldn't sing. I glance over at the raven, who had a cute smile on his face as he mouthed the words along with them. Mitsuri was just everyone's hype woman, clapping her hands and screaming as she used her phone flashlight with both Obanai, and Rengoku to act as glowsticks in a crowd almost.

Everything's going so well, it's giving me anxiety. Nothing ever goes this well. And that's given now that Shinobu's here. At one point, I failed to notice Giyuu leaving the room, and oh, how I wish I was paying more attention.





اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
always [ sabigiyu ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن