8 || it's a girl

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"i ain't no hit it and quit it, cuz once i'm in it, i'm with it

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"i ain't no hit it and quit it, cuz once i'm in it, i'm with it."





It's been a few months since I last spoke to Inosuke, and Aoi. I haven't heard anything about their baby since I was too busy helping Tanjirou with his relationship problems with Zenistu. Despite having my own problems to deal with when it came to Giyuu. To be honest, I don't even know how to handle it. So, I'm handling everyone else's problems!

You got a better idea?

I was a bit hesitant, but I eventually knocked on the front door of Inosukes' house. He still lived with his mom, who had her hair in a messy bun and some oversized pajamas on when she answered the door. I still think his mom is beautiful, she doesn't look like she'd be a mom, she looks like she'd be Inosukes' sister if anything. Maybe cousin. Huge on the maybe.

"Oh! Sabito-San, I wasn't expecting you to arrive. Did you come to visit?" She asks, her voice sweet like honey as I walked inside, I look around as she spoke, trying to see if there was any sign of the two lovebirds. "Uhm, Actually, yeah - wanted to see the baby? unless..something happened with that-?" I slow down a bit, trying to pick my words wisely just in case something did, in fact, happen. Ms. Hashibira stared at me, a bit confused on what I was getting at until her mouth shaped into an 'o'.

"They had her two months ago, named her Akiko!"


I paused. They had a baby girl, and named her Akiko. Honestly I'm assuming Inosuke chose the name, and Aoi just spelled it. "Can I..?" I trail off, waiting for permission to go upstairs just in case she'd say no, but of course, she gives me a small nod with a gentle smile that goes with it. I quietly make my way upstairs, since it was dead silent, I didn't doubt in my mind that they had just put the baby to sleep, or that they're all asleep. To be honest, that would be a pretty cute sight to walk in on. Just saying. I make my way down the hall, a bunch of baby toys being in the middle of the floor, of which, I had the honor to step over in order to avoid feeling as though a fucking lego stabbed me in the foot.

When I opened Inosukes' door at the right end of the hall. I was right. Aoi was asleep in the bed with the baby asleep while carefulky lying on her chesr, and I was expecting to see Inosuke in the bed with the two of them, but he was on his laptop with a notebook in hand, their was a video playing, one about solving math equations, and I saw it as my time to clear my throat to catch his attention. His head immediately turning towards me. "Pochito?" He calls out quietly. I give him a blank stare, because there's no way he got that out of 'Sabito'. Guess he still has a lot of ways to go, but at least he tried, and that's all that matters to be honest. "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be resting with the girlies?" I ask, sitting down next to him, I glance over at the two. The baby girl definitely has Inosukes' looks, that's for sure. Maybe his genes are just strong.

Scared for that child's future personality, but only time will tell.

"I wanna raise my grades! I actually passed my math exams with a C-!!" He exclaims, clearly happy, but I quickly shush him since he was starting to forget there were two people asleep. He catches the hint and silences himself, but that doesn't stop him from beaming up at me with such pride, I could tell he was proud of himself more than anything. That was a start. "What about your language arts class? Shouldn't you practice on that too?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as I cross my arms, awaiting a certain response from him, but all he does is freezes.

As to be expected. I knew it.

"Work on that, it's the only subject you're struggling on. C'mon, if you won't do it for you, do it for Akiko." I mess up his hair, only for him to slap my hand away with a pout. "I am doing it for her! I want her to look up to me too, not just Aoi!!" He expresses, and that's not something I was expecting. Yeah, Aoi was an academic scholar, she had her shit together, and somehow she ended up with Inosuke despite his major stupidity and even had a kid with him, while being able to manage her school life and graduate early. She might not get her graduation ceremony, but she has her certificate, and she doesn't care much else for that except her child, and Inosukes' wellbeing. Can't say I blame her for thinking smart.

She really is the definition of work smarter, not harder.

"Dude. She's practically your wife. If you plan on sticking around, your child will end up looking up to both of you, not just Aoi." I explain, rolling my eyes, Inosuke stares up at me before hearing faint cooing. Aoi doesn't wake up when the cooing starts turning to whines, and I have no clue what a whining baby means, but Inosuke does apparently. He gets up quickly, tossing his notebook to the side and swooping Akiko into his arms, his attention being focused on her. I stood up to stand next to him in order to get a better look at her features now.

She had baby blue eyes, ones like the sky like Aois'. Her hair was black like theirs', but she had blue tips like Inosuke, and his mother. Her cheeks were a rosy red, and her hair was curled near her ears only, almost as if they had been gelled down, but I seriously doubt it. She had stopped whining the second Inosuke picked her up, her eyes glued to him as a cute smile slowly appeared onto her lips. Oh my fucking god, she is adorable. Maybe I should ask Giyuu about adopting a kid after we get married. Maybe that would be fun, right?


Wait a damn minute.

Awe shit. Do I want kids?





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