7|| we have a marriage proposal

186 6 12

" Can we fall in love in the moonlight?"

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

" Can we fall in love in the moonlight?"





When I said I was a helpful person, I did not mean to talk about marriage. Hell, I have to still plan how the fuck I'm gonna bring up marrying Giyuu to Giyuu himself, and I already know how my boyfriend is.

But someone else's girlfriend, or boyfriend? ha! you're fucking hilarious.

Currently, I stood with Tanjirou, we were out shopping together, and he brought up marriage after highschool with Zenistu, which I find fine, but maybe let's not ask me. I already promised Giyuu countless times when we were in highschool that I'm gonna marry him. He'd always laugh it off, or change the subject, but I'm serious. Listen, I'm gonna make him my husband eventually. Especially since it's been legal for years now. "Ah, Do you think he'd like this? I know how much he likes to write." He shows me a notebook, one that was a hardcover - it was brown, almost as if it had been sewed on the side, it gave it a nice aesthetic. I smiled softly, giving a nod as I stood besides him. "Yeah, I think so too! He writes these beautiful poems, I hope he plans on being an author one day." Tanjirou expresses to me, which catches me off guard.

"Do you think he'd be willing to throw himself out there like that though?" I ask, glancing at a cute pen, and casually handing it to Tanjirou who stood there to admire it. "After all, we both know how Zenistu gets when the spotlight is put on him. His anxiety acts up, and he tends to lose confidence in what he's doing. And quickly." I put emphasis on quickly because the kid has potential. He has the talent, hell, he could actually be something. He just lacks the confidence to do it.

Tanjirou falters a bit, trying to process my words completely. The thing was, he knew I was right, but he was probably hoping he'd be enough to push his lover into becoming something bigger than the two of them. I thought the same way with Giyuu and him wanting to become a singer, but as you can see, that is not the case. You can always think you'll be enough for a person to succeed, but you're dead wrong. They need to be able to believe in themselves, and have the confidence to do it in the first place. Without those two things, they can kiss their dreams goodbye despite having the trust, and support of others around them.

I run my fingers through my hair before going and reaching for a cute blue butterfly hair clip. I smiled softly at it while thinking about how Giyuu would look with it added in his hair. I don't think he'd like it, since his hair has always been so hard to keep tame. It was just naturally messy - like mine in a way.

I look back at the redhead to see him lost in thought, putting the things he had planned to get the blonde prior to back in their previous place. I frowned, because maybe I was being too hard on him. Tanjirou loved Zenistu as much as I loved Giyuu, and their relationship was basically perfect. I never hear about any disagreements with them, no arguments, no yelling, no drama that involved friends. It's always been so peaceful. At least in my eyes, maybe they don't have a perfect relationship, and even so, that's completely normal because not all relationships are perfect. "Sorry..Did I hurt your feelings?" I ask, messing up his hair with a small chuckle. I hear him laugh a bit, which made me smile, glad to know I didn't completely ruin the fun mood. "Oh no, Of course not. I understand where your intentions are Sabito-San! You mean well." We then begin to walk out the store, him having already put the gifts he planned on getting the other back. "You're..not gonna get him anything?" I ask, knitting my eyebrows together trying to piece together what he was trying to do.

always [ sabigiyu ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें