Eddie smiles, nods, smiles more sadly, then, regrettably, tells him, “I’m sorry, bud, but it’s that time.”

“We need to leave as soon as possible, Dilly.”

“I know.” Dylan nods, rubs a hand over his young, but clearly tired face – Eddie’s heart goddamn aches for him. “I can feel it, too, dad.” He tries not to look afraid, though, he’s eager to help.

His mom always taught him that if it's within your power to change something for the better, you should always at least try to do it.

Although, it seems that his mom is also a hypocrite, because she definitely won’t be allowing him to help in this fight.

Which is ridiculous!

He’s just as powerful as Knull himself!

It’s exactly why Knull headed straight to Earth...

In hopes of destroying Venom and destroying Dylan along with his father...

In other words, finally destroying his competition.

“He’s here... isn’t he?” Dylan doesn’t know why he asks the question when he already knows the answer. Maybe it’s out of a little terror. But he’s determined!

He’ll have to find some way to sneak out of the bunker, if he can’t convince either of his parents to let him go with them...

It’s not long then before Dylan is following his mom through the dark and cold underground. Well, she’s more dragging him along as they all but practically run through the almost never-ending maze of a place, her hand clasped tightly with his, his father seeping out just enough to make sure their hands don’t get separated.

But Dylan isn’t stupid. He knows it’s more likely that his father just jumps at the chance to touch his mother. It’s almost sickening sometimes. He doesn’t want to see that shit!

Eddie’s silently thankful of the kid’s non existent sarcastic and witty comments right now, but she’s not stupid. She knows he won’t go down without a fight.

Little shit.

She doesn’t know who he’s more like. Her or Venom. Maybe equally the same. Too much so sometimes.

Parker gave them this bunker. Good kid that he always was, much to Venom’s annoyance, he practically just handed it over to them, well, lent it to them, but without wanting anything in return. Eddie is definitely not ungrateful. Can’t say the kid didn’t practically hand her a lifeline here.

Protection for her own kid is all that matters to her.

Maybe Parker just felt sorry for them after she and Venom came clean to the Avengers about Knull.

But whatever, it’s good enough for her.

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, and all that.

Beggars can’t be choosers, Eddie knows that all too well.

Parker said this secret bunker of his was built for him by someone named Ezekiel, and that it can, supposedly, withstand a nuclear holocaust.

But Eddie just hopes it can withstand what’s about to come as she drags her son through the triple steel door, Venom shoving it closed behind them and then, watching with fascination as a ripple of red shimmers over the door.

He’s always been somewhat amazed with magic.

“Mom, dad, please don’t do this.” Dylan says, rubbing at his hand when they both finally let go. “Please don’t leave me in here by myself. What if something happens to you both? I –“

Eddie sighs, tries to stay composed as she tells him, “We’ve been through this, D.” She hardens her soft tone a little as she then tells him, “And you know it’s not up for discussion.”

Venom frowns, but says nothing. He doesn’t want to undermine Eddie, no more than he wishes to upset her even more than he already has.

Dylan glares defiantly back up at her. “But I can help! You know what I can do, mom! I have powers just like him! I think that... maybe.. I don’t know... I could take control of the whole hive... or... um... or I could... I could even maybe try to take control of Knull himself –“

“Absolutely not!” Eddie snaps, glares over at Venom when he says nothing. “Are you seriously agreeing with him?!” She hisses when she hears his thoughts. “You made a promise that you would protect our son, no matter what.” She huffs, turns back to their son, shoots him a soft look, tone softening as she tells him, “Just like I made a promise that I would protect you, no matter what.”

“Mom, please –“

Eddie pulls him in for a hug, presses a kiss to the top of his head, which fits snugly under her chin – fuck, he’s getting so tall. “I know how much of a little powerhouse you are, kid, trust me, OK? I do. But you’re still just a kid. You’re my baby, for cryin’ out loud. Can you at least understand why I don’t want you anywhere near any of this?”

Dylan only glares into her throat, lets out an annoyed huff. “Of course I understand that.” He grumbles out. “But I just know that I could –“

Don’t make me slip another night pill into your water, kid.”

Venom can’t help chuckling at that.

Dylan pretends to look horrified. “That’s borderline child abuse. I’m appalled.”

Eddie simply shoots him an all too sweet, but clearly mocking smile.

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