Black Spots

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The fact that Eddie doesn’t just ask for the easy way – doesn’t just ask for him to show her through their connected minds – and instead, takes the time to ask about his kind and their world(s) simply makes Venom feel... squishy... no, no, that’s not the right word... giddy? Yes, giddy. This is a feeling that made him feel also strange the first time it happened, and now, he’s only grown to love it... to love that it’s her who makes him feel this way.

He sometimes gets the feeling from Annie, too, particularly when she’s babying him (sometimes just to annoy Eddie, because he really does love the fact that she gets a little jealous.) But it’s not as intense of a feeling as when Eddie makes him feel that way. Maybe it is just because of their connection, but he would like to think that if his perfect host were someone else and he and his host were ever to lay eyes on Eddie, he would definitely still feel the same way about her.

“You little liar.” Eddie sends him a cheeky smirk over the rim of her mug of piping hot chocolate. “I thought you said all symbiotes are assholes.” She says, arches a brow.

“Wasn’t lying. They are all assholes.” Venom huffs when her brow only arches higher. “OK, fine. I may have a lot of... resentment... towards most of my kind. But that’s only because you were right, Eddie. We are annoyingly easy to manipulate, because of our biology... because we were created so. Most hosts we find, or that find us tend to be... well, nefarious. I hadn’t met any other kind... until I met you... even the few Skrulls I bonded with were... let’s just say they were outcasts, like me.”

Eddie’s eyes light up with keen interest. She places her mug back onto the coffee table, and grabs up her pen and her open notepad. “What other beings have you connected with?”

Venom takes a moment to search their bond, then has to grin broadly when he finds no jealousy, only pure intrigue and rather childlike wonder. “Well, you already know of the Skrulls. They, too, were from the Andromeda Galaxy. They were one of the most peaceful. They had knowledge of humans, it’s actually how I learned about your kind. I must admit, your ease for destruction as a species was very enticing to me at the time.”

Eddie chuckles lightly, shakes her head as she writes down pretty much anything and everything he tells her.

“My memory is outstanding.” Venom scoffs, but it holds no annoyance, only playfulness as he stares fondly at her. He grins cheekily back at her when she shoots him a withering look. “But I understand your... process.”

“Plus, it would be cheatin’ if I just let you pretty much write the article... let alone an article about yourself.” Eddie bites back her own cheeky grin, shoots him a pointed look. “I want people to see how sweet you are before they find out how vain you are.”

Venom rolls his eyes, but his tone is serious as he tells her, “There is no literature on my home planet. But to answer your earlier question – without Knull, we are peaceful... benevolent, even. The ones who left years before my time, their goal was to keep order in the universe... maybe to help make it better somehow. But we create no art, no music, no culture... at least, not as other civilizations would understand it so. All we have are our hosts. The bond between symbiote and host is sacred to us... especially if the host is our one and only. They give our lives context and our existence meaning... they give us history. All we have is our host to tell us who we are... who we have always been.”

Wow... for the alien who knew no literature in the beginning, I’d say he learns real fast.” Eddie breathes, is still slightly stunned, her heart pounding slightly, too.

Venom grins. “I have a good teacher.”

Eddie chuckles. “Thank you. It’s nice to be appreciated.”

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