See You Soon

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“How wonderful for you to join us, Ava, I see you’ve made some new friends.” A blonde lady says as she circles inside a circle of chairs. Most of which are being sat on by annoyed-looking teens.

“Yep, they're new. Their other friends are supposed to be here too.” Ava smiles and makes her way over to the chairs, glaring at a few other kids she nods her head in a clear move fashion leaving seven or so chairs empty. “Come on girls, sit down.” She grins.

“We're here! We're here!” We turn as the boys run into the gym followed by a sulking Cole.

“I guess you're the ‘other friends?” The lady smiles and makes air quotes around ‘other friends’.

Alex laughs and pretends to be hurt " Other friends? We are the main men, the OG's, the first friends. We are GOD'S." He laughs as Luke cracks a smile.

"Ok then, take a seat." She smiles.

Wring wording g lady, I'm proven right when Alex walks over, grabs a chair l, and starts dragging it to the door.

"Alrighty then, thanks for the chair! Tou have a good day now." Alex laughs again.

"Get over here and stop messing with Mrs. Thompson." Cole frowns, again, takes the chair from Alex, drags it back to its spot, and sits down.

Back to his fake pouting Alex drags an amused-looking Luke to the chairs, and joins us in the lopsided circle.

"Is that everyone then?" Mrs. Thompson smiles and digs threw the papers in her lap. "Ok then, today is gym day so I have a few challenges for you all, starting with an insult war."

The second those words flew out of her mouth the room erupted in yells of joy, I guess 'insult war” is a popular game among these crazy people.

"You two are going to love this!" Ava smiles ear to ear and she looks between Nova and I. She turns to Mrs. Thompson and raises her hand " Oh Mrs.Thompson, my new friends don't know how to play! You should explain it, with examples."

"You know I can't insult my students Ava, nice try though." Mrs. Thompson laughs and stands up, setting the papers down on her chair. " The rules are simple, I'll pair you up with someone and you take turns insulting each other, the goal is to stay cool and collected but everyone just tries to get the other student to snap. Most days end in a fight." 

So why would they keep doing it?

"For fun?" Someone says as they look at me like I'm stupid.

Great I said that out loud, why do I do that? It sucks. 
So why would they keep doing it?

“For fun?” Someone says as they look at me like I’m stupid

Great, I said that out loud, why do I do that? It sucks.

“Alright, let's start. Everyone pair up with someone you don’t know. Let’s get going people.” Mrs. Thomson smiles and claps her hands. Everyone scatters as they try to find someone they don’t know. Unlike any other school, they are actually looking for someone they don't know, maybe it's more fun that way?

“Hello? I’m speaking to you new girl.” A large gorilla-looking guy looks down at me with a frown. “You’re with me.” He smirks.

“Sorry Mr. G, I think I’m going to find someone else.” I frown as I notice everyone else is paired up, waiting for Mrs. Thomson to start the game.

“Well sorry princess, you're with me.” He's back to smiling like a pig-faced toad. 

“Fine, whatever.”

As the room quiets down, Mrs. Thomson says “ You can start now.”

“Well, Princess, you’re a charity case. The psycho and her brother aren't your friends, because you have no friends.” He growls.

What is he a dog?

“That's where you’re wrong buddy, I have friends. I think you could be projecting, do you have any friends?” I frown, God, I love sarcasm.

“What does that even mean nerd, you really are worthless.”

What is it with people saying others are worthless? Your organs are worth a lot on the dark web.

“Sure, I’m worthless, and you're a pig-faced toad that has nothing between his ears except hot air. You think you are a big bad boy, but really you’re a weak little toad that likes to punk on others for your own enjoyment,” I take a step toward his reddening face, “What do you have to say for yourself? Are you proud? Did your insults,” I hit his chest with an open palm “make you feel good? Did it make you feel good Mr. Toad? Did it?” 

He takes a step back and glares at me, “You just wait princess, your in for a wake-up call.”

Once I zone out of his threat and back into the real world I realize the gym around us is silent, mostly because everyone is looking at Mr. Toad in shock and me in fear.

Not fear of me, that much is clear. Ava is leaning forward while Cole has his arm around her waist, rooting her to the spot. Others are clearly leaning toward me like their curious but their faces scream fear. So what do they fear? 

It hits me like ice water, they fear for me, I’m in trouble, danger even.

“See you soon princess.” Mr. Toad sneers in my ear before walking off and out of the gym.

The second he is gone all my friends are running over to me.

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