New Pocket

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That's it, life sucks.

Once I woke up common sense hit me like a truck, I need to take care of my side, but it’s warm in my bed. Fine, I’ll get up.

Doing a little roll I land on the floor with a thump.

“Well ow.” I laugh and force myself onto my feet, nothing like wrapping up to a hole in my side. Dragging myself into the small side bathroom I begin my marvelous search for medical supplies.

Never in my life have I been so happy to see that white box with a red cross. Opening it I dig into the world of medical stuff, all of which are white and hopefully starel. 

“Come on! How hard is to it open a bandage?” Struggling with the evily thin parts between my fingers I give up and throw it back into the box, pulling out my jaws instead, Slowly I wrap my new pocket up and toss everything back into the stupid box.

Changing, I try not to hurt myself further, then in true Tess notion I throw myself onto my bed and fall back to sleep on top of the red stained sheets.

“She couldn’t of just disappeared” The small elf yells, hitting a tree and causing a loud crack. The tree my little elf friend hit wakes in an angry rour, “Calm down! Your acting like a child, I’m sure she will pop up.”  The tree sounds like Nova, odd.

“Its a big deal Nova, she was threatened by him, then she went poof.” A little red bird flys down and sits on the trees arm, “I’m just worried, we all are.”     

Nice birdie, so bright.

“What was that?” The baby red bird asks, then she flys away and the once colorful world fades into a black and endless void.

Lanching myself up in bed I notice blobs of people looking at me but once I rub my eyes the three people infront of me come into view. Nova, Ava, and Cole are all looking at me with faces that are a mix of relife and shock.

“Oh my god, T, what happened!” Nova charges at me and throws herself onto my bed, only to jump back off once she feels the sticky red liquid that is now drying in crusty blobs on my bedsheet. “Thats…” She stops and looks at me in worry “Thats blood Tess.”

Yes Im aware  of the name of my body juice, thank you.

“Body juice?” Cole cracks a smile, “She might have a concussion.”

“No thats her normal choose of words,” Nova laughs and makes her way around to my side of the bed, “Tess it this your blood or…” She stops.

“Yes, I forgot to put a cork in it before I layed down, sorry, i’ll clean it up though so its fine.” Laughing I grab my head, god its pounding.

“She might need to see a docter,” Cole frowns.

 what is it with him and frowning? What happened to him that made him so upset that his face hasn’t smiled in so long?

Zoning back into reality I notice Ava and Nova looking at the door in shock, and that Cole is gone.

“What did I miss?” Im missing something I can feel it.

“You said that outloud T.” Ava frowns and shakes her head, “Its a long story too, why hes sad I mean, it sucks but he has to be the one to tell you. Not me.” She walks over to me and starts patting me like im a dog.

“What are you...” I hiss in pain when she pats my rub.

“Let me see, now.” She frowns and grabs the end of my oversized sweater.

“No, Im good.” I jump up and run from the room, unfortunately I also run into something, or someone, on my way out.

“Wow, what are you doing?” Cole grabs me and leds me to the couch, sitting me down by my shoulders.

"Just going on a run, what did you think I was doing?" Smiling a attempt to stand up, only to by carefully pushed back down.

"T why did you run?" Ava frowns as she comes back over to my side and reaches for me again. 

"No, I said I'm fine, I took care of it." Sliding away I try to get off the couch. Looking down I see the darkening spot on my sweatshirt and try to cover it up.

"Tess. Sit down or I swear to god I'll sit on you!" Ava makes a move to sit on me so I sit still and wait for whatever is to come.

Cole goes to get the medicine and Nova pulls up the side of my shirt. The bandage that I put on is now red with my body juice.

"Oh T, what did they do to you?" Avas is on the verge of tears.

Why is she crying? I'm fine, it's not a big deal. I've fallen from trees and had it worse off, this is nothing.

"I'm fine!" Calm down, there is no reason to get all worked up. It's just a new pocket." I smile and laugh as black dots dance around the room.

Apparently that's not the right thing to say because while Nova try's not to smile, ava goes from sad to red hot mad in .00001 second.

"Did you just call the hole in your side a 'new pocket'? How can you act like that? This is a big deal! Toh have been missing for over 24 hours and you still haven't told us what happened!" She screeches.

"That would be because I dont know what happened." 

"What do you mean you dont know? You were there?" Cole asks and looks white as a sheet and he walks back in with that stupid white box.

"I don't know, I wasn't actually 'awake' at the time so…" I shrug, which apparently isnt the right move because ava smacks my sholder and tells me not to move.

"Wasn't awake? What do you mean 'not awake?" Cole all but runs over and grabs my shoulders. 

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