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always tryna send me off to rehab

A/N: I don't usually do authors notes, but this chapter does include pretty graphic drug use, if you are sensitive to that content, please feel free to skip this, i don't want to cause any harm to those who have substance abuse issues or trauma surrounding drug use, love you all <3


the world seemed to be spinning as y/n took a seat in the back of the limo jean had sent to pick her up. they were set to attend a party, and being the type of person that she is, she just had to pregame before she went.

was drinking nearly a full handle of vodka a bad thing before she went out to get even more wasted? probably. did she necessarily care? absolutely not. she was in her early twenties, of course she was going to use any excuse to get completely trashed. it was definitely borderline alcoholism at this point, but she didn't have a single care in the world about that.

she gazed at the buildings passing by as the limo made its way downtown, heading to the elevate lounge. she had never been to this particular club before, but she knew it was fairly high profile, meaning it would hopefully have the most top shelf alcohol on the market.

the limo slowed down as it went through the streets, finally pulling up to the building in which the club was located. y/n bid a happy farewell as she exited the vehicle, stumbling over her feet just a little bit. maybe heels were a bad idea, she thought to herself as she walked into the building, spotting jean waiting for her.

"you've already been drinking, haven't you?" jean chuckled, wrapping his arm around her as they made their way further in, heading to the elevator that would take them up to the twenty-first floor where the club was located.

"oh most definitely," the girl grinned, leaning against the wall of the elevator as it began to ascend. her boyfriend shook his head as he grabbed her once more, leading her out of the elevator and towards the club doors as soon as they made it to the right floor.

he spoke a few words to the bouncer, shooting him a smile as they were ushered in, making their way towards their group of friends who were waiting on them. much to y/n's delight, they already seemed to be tipsy.

"the party is here!" she said loudly, raising her hands up in celebration as she rushed over to sasha and mikasa, pulling the two girls into bone crushing hugs.

"damn, how much are we gonna have to drink to catch up with you?" mikasa laughed, pulling away from the hug and flagging down the bartender, ordering a few shots of casamigos blanco tequila.

"definitely gonna need more than a few shots of tequila," y/n shrugged, ordering a whiskey sour. mikasa laughed again, tilting her head back as she took the shots, sasha following suit.

"how much did you even drink before you came?" sasha asked, taking a bite of lime after she finished her last shot, grimacing a bit as the taste of tequila still burned her tongue.

"almost finished a full bottle of grey goose," y/n replied, finishing off her drink.

"you sure it's a good idea to keep drinking then?" mikasa asked, eyeing the girl as she ordered another one.

"i'll be fine, i do this all the time!" y/n said cheerfully as she took her drink from the bartender, slipping him a fifty as a tip to keep serving her no matter how bad she gets.

mikasa and sasha shot a concerned glance at each other before ordering more shots, swinging them back quickly. "i think mina is here somewhere, do you want to go find her?" sasha asked, starting to get up from her seat. the other two girls nodded quickly, abandoning their spots at the bar to go find her.

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