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i can't find your house, send me the info
eren was sat in his car trying to find his way to y/n's house for the first time. the directions the girl gave him should've been clear enough for him to find where it was at, but with it being nearly midnight and barely any street lights, it was proving rather difficult.

driving through calabasas was always a nightmare, long winding streets and random blocked off roads that led to private properties. eren hated going over there, avoiding it at all costs, but when y/n called him at 11:30 that night begging him to come over, he knew he had to make the journey.

shaking his head, he looked down at his gps, furrowing his eyebrows when he noticed that it was sending him on a different route once again. this is really starting to piss me off.

eren sighed, grabbing his phone and dialing y/n's number, wanting to see if she would be able to help him figure out where the hell he was going.

the phone rang for a few seconds until she picked up. "yes, eren?" he heard her voice come through the speaker. "hey beautiful, this is going to sound really stupid but i think i'm lost. if i tell you the name of the street i'm on do you think you could help me figure out how the hell to get to your place from here?"

he heard her laugh before she responded. "of course eren, where are you right now?" "i'm on a street called paseo primario" he told her, looking back at his gps.

"ahhh okay, you're just five minutes away then. just keep going down that street, and then take a right when you see the street called cordova drive. i'll be the third house on the left once you get to that point. i'll wait in the driveway for you so you can notice it better."

eren let out a sigh of relief, continuing down the road he was on. "thank you, beautiful. i'll be there soon." "see you soon eren." he hung up after that, thanking god that he wouldn't be driving in circles for much longer.

he slowly turned on to the street that y/n had told him, making his way down until he noticed her standing in her driveway, wrapped up in a blanket. he smiled softly, pulling closer to the curb and stopping his car, making sure it was off before he got out.

he made his way over to her and pulled her into a hug. "your neighborhood is confusing" he mumbled, kissing the top of her head. she let out a little laugh, rolling her eyes. "it's definitely easier to navigate during the day" she said, pulling away from the hug and leading him into the house.

eren took in the sight of the girl's house, the soft tan walls were lined with pictures of people he could only assume were her family and friends, a large couch wrapped around the center of the living room, a red ornate rug placed in front of it.

they both sat on the couch, y/n moving to where she could lay down and place her head in his lap. eren moved his hand to her head, running his fingers through her hair as he knew how much she enjoyed getting her hair played with. her body relaxed almost instantly as she took in the glorious feeling of it.

"is everything alright? you sounded kind of upset when you asked me to come over" eren asked the girl, a look of concern crossing over his face. y/n shrugged, "just a rough day. jean got pissed at me for not wanting to go out and party with him and his friends, so he left angry and hasn't talked to me since."

eren sighed. he didn't necessarily like talking about the girl's boyfriend, but he wouldn't let her know that. "why would he get mad at you over that? not everybody is in the mood to party all the time."

"he said it's because he thinks i don't care enough about him and he doesn't like that" y/n said quietly. "i just don't see how me going and watching him get shit faced drunk with his friends is a good time for me to be around him. he isn't the most pleasant person to be around when he's fucked up like that."

"what do you mean by that?" eren asked, his voice gentle. "he gets kinda mean when he's drunk. always poking fun at me or getting his friends to say some shit about me before they all erupt into fits of laughter. i try to tell him that it doesn't make me feel good when they do that, but he never listens, he just tries to pass it off as some fun, but it's not fun for me."

the boy sighed, his hand still rubbing the girl's head softly. he never knew fully what her relationship was like with jean, as that was her business, but hearing that he would do that kind of thing while drunk was irritating him. add that to the fact that jean sees no issues with doing that? it's making his blood boil.

"you've just got to try to get it through his head that doing stuff like that upsets you. i know it's easier said than done, but maybe if you sit him down and talk over it fully with him then he'll stop" eren stated, trying to remain calm for y/n's sake.

"i've tried to do that before. a few weeks ago, actually. i went out with them and they started poking fun at the dress i was wearing, saying that i should've worn something longer because nobody wants to see how bad my body looks. i just let them talk about it, and the next day when jean was sober i told him how shitty it made me feel. he didn't care, he just said that i need to grow thicker skin" she mumbled, turning to where she could look up at eren.

he could see the faint sight of tears starting to build in her eyes. he swore he could feel his heart absolutely shatter knowing how badly hearing those things must've hurt the girl. he pulled her up so she could sit in his lap, wrapping his arms around her tightly. y/n buried her face in his neck, tears starting to slide down her cheeks.

"i just wish they wouldn't talk about my body like that" she started again, her voice cracking slightly. "he knows that i've had issues with how i looked in the past, and he knows that i still struggle with it. i hate the way i look and hearing words like that come from his friends and him just makes me want to hide away."

eren sighed, turning the girl's head so he could softly wipe away the tears on her face. "don't let what those assholes say get to you, princess. you're absolutely beautiful, your body, your mind, and your soul. it pains me to hear you talk down about yourself when none of it is true. i hope that i could help you start to see that."

y/n smiled, placing a kiss on the boy's cheek. "one day, eren. as long as you're next to me i'll feel like the most beautiful girl in the world."

eren just nodded, still having the girl wrapped up in his arms. he never wanted to let her go, he wanted so desperately to show her how amazing she was, and how she deserved so much better than to have to hear those vile things about the way she looks.

"let's get you to bed, it's nearly 1am now" he mumbled, moving off the couch and picking her up to take her to her bedroom. she clung to him as they made their way up the stairs and into her room, before he softly laid her down on the bed, making sure to wrap her up in all of her blankets so she'd be comfortable.

"will you stay with me, eren?" she asked, silently pleading him with her eyes. "of course, beautiful. i'd love to."

as eren crawled into bed next to the girl, pulling her into him yet again so they could cuddle, he felt that familiar yearning in his chest more. he tried to ignore the feeling, knowing that it was wrong to feel this way. she had a boyfriend, eren was nothing more to her than a hookup, something to do when the one she actually loved was away.

he was in love with her.

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