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"you say keep our business on the low-low"
the sound of birds chirping stirred y/n from her sleep. looking to her side, she could see that eren was still sound asleep beside her, still knocked out from the night before.

careful not to disturb him, she reached towards the nightstand and grabbed her phone, wanting to see if she had gotten any messages while she was asleep. she groaned inwardly when she saw her boyfriend had messaged her.

From: Jean <3
good morning, beautiful :). my business trip is going to be extended by another few days, so i won't make it home tonight like previously thought. just wanted to let you know, i miss you!

she sent back a quick reply before clicking her phone off and turning back to the boy beside her.

To: Jean <3
good morning! i miss you too, wish you didn't have to be away longer. hope everything goes well.

y/n nuzzled herself closer to eren, still being careful as to not wake him up. she couldn't help but feel guilty. what her and eren are doing is bad, if word ever got out then it could possibly ruin his career. yet, the way he makes her feel whenever she is able to be with him keeps pulling her back into his grasp.

she awoke again a few hours later, rubbing her eyes and turning to see that the boy beside her was staring. "you're finally awake" he laughed, kissing her forehead. she rolled her eyes, "to be fair when i woke up the first time you were still passed out."

eren pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her delicate frame. "what time do you have to leave?"

y/n raised her hand to brush a stray piece of hair out of his face. "i can stay for a few more hours, jean's trip got extended so i'm not needed at home right away."

the boy nodded. "wish you could stay here forever" he mumbled, burying his face in her neck, kissing it gently. y/n sighed, "i'm sorry, eren. i know you want me to stay but i've told you i can't. not any time soon at least."

eren sighed at her words. he wanted nothing more than to have her all to himself. he knew exactly what he was getting into when they first started sneaking around with each other, but that didn't change the bubbling feelings that arose in the pit of his stomach whenever he thought about her going back home to jean.

he knew it was wrong, and if word ever got out it was sure to cause devastating effects, not only for his career, but for y/n as well. her boyfriend was a powerful man, and he could easily tear down anything that came in his way.

for now, eren just had to bask in his short encounters with y/n, not wanting to take any of their meetups for granted.

"what's wrong, eren?" y/n spoke softly, running her hands through his hair, sensing that something was on his mind.

eren shook his head, not wanting to share his thoughts with the girl next to him. he already knew what she would say anyways, and he didn't want to have to hear once again that this was never going to be anything more than just sex. "it's nothing, beautiful. don't worry about it."

y/n just nodded, scooting down a bit so she could lay her head on his chest. "do you wanna make breakfast?" she asked him, changing the subject. eren nodded, shifting carefully so he could get up. "of course, c'mon."

the two made their way down the grand staircase before making their way to the kitchen. "what do you wanna make?" eren asked, headed to the pantry to start gathering ingredients. "pancakes sound good." he nodded, grabbing pancake mix before moving to the fridge, grabbing eggs and milk to add in.

y/n moved to the cabinets, grabbing a bowl and a mixing spoon for the mix before grabbing a pan and turning on the stovetop. they worked in silence, eren adding everything needed into the bowl and y/n watching him. "you wanna try some of the mix before we start making the pancakes?" eren asked, turning to her while holding the mixing spoon out towards her.

she nodded eagerly, grabbing the spoon from the boy and licking the mix off, grinning with how good it already tasted. "tastes perfect to me" she stated, setting the spoon into the sink. she cocked an eyebrow when eren started laughing at her. "what?" she asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

"come here, you've got some pancake mix left over on your mouth" he laughed again. she rolled her eyes before walking over to him. he raised his hand to cup her cheek before pulling her into a kiss. their lips moved together in sync as he pulled he girl closer to him, raising his other hand to grab the back of her head.

they both pulled away a few seconds later. "all gone!" he grinned, giving her a pat on her head. y/n rolled her eyes again at his antics. "you're so weird" she muttered, turning back to the oven, starting to actually cook the pancakes. "don't act like you don't like it" eren countered back, grabbing a spatula so they can flip the pancakes. "you're right, i do like it, although that doesn't mean that i still can't call it weird."

"whatever you say, princess" eren smirked, flipping the few pancakes they had cooking at the moment. "do you have bacon?" y/n asked, changing the subject once again. she didn't like dwelling on conversations that could bare any resemblance to her having feelings for the boy in front of her.

"second drawer in the fridge" eren said, finishing up the rest of the pancakes and grabbing plates. she grabbed the bacon and went back over to the stove, finding another pan to cook the bacon on. "you want some?" she asked as she began placing strips into the pan. "of course i do, who doesn't want bacon?" eren responded, smiling at her.

y/n laughed as the bacon cooked. "you'd be surprised, i know someone who absolutely hates it, never lets me cook it around him."

eren stiffened at her words, knowing exactly who she was talking about. he brushed it off quickly, moving the food that was already done over to the kitchen table.

the two finished cooking in silence, digging into the food immediately to quiet down the grumbling sounds emitting from both of their stomachs.

"wish you didn't have to go" eren mumbled, pulling y/n in for another hug. "i know, but i've got to get back to jean's house before anybody starts wondering why i've been gone so long" she replied back, running her hands through his soft hair. "we've still got to keep this on the low, eren."

eren just nodded, pulling away from the girl and looking into her eyes. "drive safely, let me know when you get home please" he said quietly, giving her a quick kiss on her forehead.

"you know i will, eren. goodbye." she stated simply, turning around to head for her car.

eren sighed as he watched the girl drive away. one day she won't have to leave.

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