Beautiful Oblivion

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Valentine Dean

"Let me get this straight — Athena pulls off her glasses and lays them down on her office desk then rubs both tired eyes — You took Athena on a date, then took her to see animals and forgot to fuck her? What happened to fucking?" Carlos asked irritatingly. "Carlos it's not always about fucking a woman" — "Who the hell told you that!" He exclaimed loudly. "Time and space. Now grab ahold of that doorknob and let yourself out so I can finish up my paperwork" Valentine tells. The further away she was from Carlos the better she'd be able to think about work other than Athena.

Carlos finally took his leave after 5 more "concerned" discussions he called it and let Valentine settle back down into work.

               After 5 hours of non-stop phone calls and continuous client call-ins Valentine finally called it a night. She put away her folders, closed all her opened cabinets to lock up and leave the building in peace.

               Ring!!! Ring!! Well.... Almost peace it was.

            Valentine fumbled for her phone after putting away her car keys into her back pocket. She quickly answered the screaming phone during this silent night and spoke into the phone as if it couldn't be possibly anyone else but someone she knew. "Hello?" She asked while walking over to her car. "Hey baby. It's been a while" Mariah confirmed. "It has" Valentine agreed.Valentine cautiously looked around through the silent air of the night and quickly unlocked her car.

As soon as the door was pulled open for her to step inside she shoved her frame into the drivers seat and closed the door shut. When she locked it Mariah began playing questionnaire. "Sounds like you're not at home. Wanna come over?" — "I can't do that" — Why not? What's wrong? — Nothing... I just, I can't do that... right now" Valentine concluded.

"Who is she?" Mariah asked suddenly. "Who is who?" Valentine asked back trying to dodge the inevitable truth. "The woman your seeing" Mariah continued to pry. "I'm not seeing anyone Mariah" Valentine explained which was almost true. Truth be told she wasn't seeing Athena.. not yet at least. "Then come over baby I miss you. This pussy misses you" She mentions slowly with this low sexy growling she always did when she wanted her way. Valentine was much very aroused at the thought of having sex right now... but it wasn't because of Mariah's request. Athena had settled deep within her mind long before she stepped outside.

"Not tonight beautiful. I have plans for the evening with someone else" She finally confessed. "Oh? New client?" She asked with a hint of jealousy swimming around her vocal cords. Valentine wasn't a fan of liars , cheaters or anyone who caused hardship to someone else's life.. but for this moment she felt it was necessary to lie to Mariah to hide that she was catching feelings for a woman when she told every client she wasn't looking for that sort of commitment. At one point Mariah wanted nothing other than for Valentine to be with her so that she wouldn't have to fuck anyone else. Who would Valentine be to this woman she still cared about in other ways if she fueled her heart with possibilities she could've had with someone else?

She figured maybe this time she'd keep her personal life a secret until she knew this thing with Athena was the real deal. "Another time then" Mariah finally accepted. "Another time" Valentine agreed just before they both said their goodbyes to a silent hang up.

                It wasn't like Valentine to ever miss out on Mariah's beck-and-call. She was always the one running to this woman when she couldn't do anything else but give Valentine a good time every single moment they spent together. Valentine did indeed miss Mariah's infectious smile.. even if someone else occupied her mind more than a woman should have.

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