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Valentine Dean

I shouldn't be doing this.. I shouldn't be doing this. Valentine trained her hand to go up and down her own shaft for the past 5 minutes like a pro. She was right, she shouldn't have been doing this but how could she walk into Athena's home with a massive hard on. Last nights image replayed in her head over and over... Fuck! I'm about to come. Valentine worked her hand over her sex harder, Longer, Faster.. "Then don't forget it" Valentine looked down at herself and exploded right there in her hand. — You know I won't —
"Hey man. Did you do it?" Carlos asked Valentine as she parked her beauty in Jack's Sorrow parking lot. "You know I can't even if I want to" She told him. "What are you going to do then? This shit — Carlos points out to the club surrounding hundreds of hungry women for the night — It's not working and you know it. I for sure damn well know it. Valentine couldn't even argue with Carlos this time. He was right, coming to the club every night since she saw Athena wasn't cutting it. She wondered deeply of what she was doing right now, was Valentine even on her mind as much as she was on Valentine's.

                 4:56am in the morning probably wasn't the best time to come over someone's house, yet; what choice did she have? She hadn't seen Athena in the past two days.. she had to see if she was still alive. Get over yourself! You just miss her.

Valentine cleared her throat and gave the door a hard knock. For a long minute she didn't hear any footsteps or commotion that anyone was coming to the door. But then soon enough, the locks were being unlocked and the door was swung open. Athena looked just about edible... she quickly tied her robe up, stepped out of her home and quietly pulled Valentine to the side like she was a stranger she didn't need to see tonight. "What are you doing here?" She asked angrily. Maybe I caught her at a bad time this time... I knew this was a bad idea.

               "I can't stop thinking about you" Valentine forced out. Athena puts both of her hands on top of her head and turns away from Valentine. Her energy painted a picture that something was up, that something wasn't right. Was she thinking about this alone? "Say something" Valentine asked of her. "I don't have anything to say Valentine" — Still faced away from Valentine she wondered if coming over was a huge mistake. — "I see I've made a mistake by coming over" Valentine began. After a hard cold silence Valentine walked away back to her beauty.

                  "Wait" Athena finally chocked out. Valentine stopped in her tracks, one hand on her door handle while the other kissed the face of her cars nose. "Why do I feel like I'm in this alone?" Valentine asked her without even giving her a look of satisfaction. "You're not.. I just — I don't know what I want right now. I'm not even sure if I like — Valentine looks her way — "That you like women?" She finishes off. Valentine swings her car door open and slips back inside. "Yeah. Fine. You want me to say it. I'm not sure if I like women. I'm not sure if I like what I'm doing either.. but I'm doing it. I'm lost and confused right now.. Lost and confused? "So you think you're lost and confused because you have feelings for me?" Valentine questions her back angrily.

Athena opens her mouth to speak then shuts it. What could she possibly say that could cover up the fact that the whole entire statement sounded homophobic. "That's not what I meant" —— "Then what the fuck did you mean? Because it sounds a lot like you think being emotionally and physically attracted to the same sex is a disease" Valentine practically shouts back at her. Athena eyes went big and for the first time she looked scared of the decisions that would come after if she stood out in her driveway any longer.

Revealing Secrets [Intersex] [GxG]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora