South Hamgyong cautiously stepped in, clearly unaccustomed to North having this attitude.

"Don't be afraid." North said, slightly upset with how he treated his provinces so badly that they were so unaccustomed to just a simple word without a glare.

Hamgyong laughed lightly. "For a second I thought that you were DPRK. Your a good actor." He said.

"It's something that you have to get used to in occupation. You guys ceased to exist the moment my father was annexed, but we stayed. You only came back once we gained our independence." North revealed.

Hamgyong was surprised. "Really? I thought that I was just.." He made a opening gesture with his slender fingers. "Poofed into existence once you and RO- South got your independence." He said.

North shook his head. "No, you guys are thousands of years old. It's just that at some point all provinces and cities lose their memories amd get reborn or some sort.. it's complicated. No one knows how countryhumans came into existence."

South Hamgyong immediately searched deep in his memory for anything he remembered. He swore he could now remember faintly talking with the Joseon Dynasty while practicing archery, but that memory quickly vanished. "Huh.. I did remember something but now I can't remember what.. I guess it's how the world works." He shrugged.

"By the way, I have been thinking about.. you know.. leaving." North lowered his voice, although it was certain that no one could hear them. His office had extremely thick walls that were soundproof, so that if he and allies were planning something no one would hear.

Hamgyong did a double take. "What?" He asked. "I mean- ok." He said.

North was surprised. "You didn't even question anything and said "ok?"" He asked.

Hamgyong shrugged. "Ever since South and North Hwanghae left, I always dreamt of leaving." He said. "I just never got the courage to do it."

"Well.. it's not going to be easy, with the Soviet Union watching me with eagle eyes." North replied.

"We are going to do it." South Hamgyong said with determination. "We leave, meet South, unify or fix relations or whatever, and rescue the others."

North's eyes suddenly dimmed. "South? He hates me." He laughed dully.

"Oh I'm sure." Hamgyong said sarcastically. "Do you remember anything from when you bust into South's territory?" He asked.

"I only remember.. South screaming at me and me briefly snapping out of my stupid drugged self."

"Well from my memory, whi were ranting about South being a crybaby. I'm sure he has some love left for you if he even cried like that." Hamgyong said.

North shook his head. "No.. no it's too dangerous. What will we even do when we get to the South?" He asked.

"Oh don't be like that now." Hamgyong said, eyes twinkling with the thirst for risk.

Hamgyong had always been one to dream of being able to talk without fear, and now that he had the opportunity he wouldn't stop rolling. Fuck fear, he wasn't gonna live with that forever.

North couldn't say no to one of his provinces standing in front of him, twitching with excitement. 'For the life of me, how is he so excited for something like this?' He thought.

Hamgyong wouldn't stop asking North until he said yes. It was more like a child begging his father for a toy, but this was far from toys. This was going to be a game-changer.

"Oh for fucks sake fine!" North yelled.

"When?" Hamgyong asked.

"Tonight." North promptly decided.

"We're going to plan out how then." Hamgyong said.

"No worries about that." North spoke, surprising the province.

"I'm North Korea. The most hated country in the world that limits the citizens freedom to no internet access or to even travel freely within the country. I know all the minefields in the DMZ and how to get through the barbed wire and electric fences. We aren't humans. Yes it might be a little hard but if it was possible for North and South Hwanghae I don't see why not." He said before Hamgyong could say anything.

Hamgyong's mouth formed into a silent 'O' when he realised.

"Gather your things. We are leaving in two hours." North said.

"Wha- two hours?!" Hamgyong cried.

"We have to do this quick. If we want leave we must do it now." North replied.

Not questioning any further, Hamgyong ran off to gather his belongings. This was going to be huge for him, being able to get out of the country after decades of being in isolation.


USSR and China watched from the cameras planted in North's office.

"So I was right." The slav said.

"What are we doing here?! We must go and stop him!" China yelled.

"Calm down. This would actually give me a good excuse.." USSR spoke slowly, keeping China on edge.

"What?" China asked.

"Oh Comrade, don't you see?" Soviet smiled sinisterly.

"To attack America and his filthy capitalist allies."

Author Note:

So the reason I haven't wrote for a while is that my dad got covid and since we live in Hong Kong the covid regulations are super strict here. We are currently in quarantine although no one else apart from my dad has covid, and he is in isolation in his room (he has his own bathroom don't worry) and I'm SUPER bummed out because I'm missing on a school camp.

Anyways WW3 here we come!

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