Chapter 3

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Maxie and Nathan were sitting in the living room waiting for Diane to arrive so that they can discuss their strategy about how to sue Spinelli and Ellie for custody of Georgie. As they were sitting there they heard Georgie crying through the baby monitor just as they heard a knock at the door.

Nathan looked at Maxie and says, "You go get Georgie and I will let Diane in."

Maxie then gets up from the couch and walks to Georgie's room as Nathan gets up and answers the door.

"Hey Diane come on in and take a seat Maxie will be right out she just went to go check on Georgie."

"Alright well now that I am here what is this I hear about you and Maxie wanting to sue Ellie and Spinelli for custody of Georgie I thought that they were in Portland in nerdy bliss while they left you and Maxie to raise Georgie. Has something changed?"

"Yeah it has Spinelli ad Ellie showed up here today totally catching me and Maxie off guard and then they came in telling us that they wanted to take Georgie back to Portland with them."

"I take it Maxie wasn't too happy about that?"

"Well no Diane you were there with Maxie through the whole Judge Walters ordeal. Maxie fought so hard to get her daughter back and of course she isn't going to just hand her over to Spinelli and Ellie. She is Georgie's mother and it's like Spinelli and Ellie don't understand the struggle and the sacrifices Maxie made to get Georgie back."

"Well Mr. West if I'm not mistaken I believe that you had a very big part in Miss Jones being able to be a mother to Georgie too."

Nathan looked at Diane skeptical and says, "I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Oh come on Nathan I am not an idiot I know that around Christmas time when Maxie had her hearing for custody of Georgie and Judge Walters had denied her visitation once again that you went to a certain mother of yours for help, and then Walters miraculously revered his original ruling."

"Ok we are not here to talk about what I did or didn't do to help Maxie see Georgie. We are here to talk about what Spinelli and Ellie are trying to do Maxie. Diane you have to help us I can't see Maxie go through the pain of loosing Georgie all over again. I honestly don't think she would be able to handle that again and if we are being completely honest here I don't want to loose Georgie either."

Maxie then comes in with Georgie as she says, "Sorry it took me so long we had to make a quick wardrobe change. Oh Diane hi how are you?"

"Maxie I have to say I love this sight you and your daughter here together."

"Yeah well if it's up to Spinelli it won't stay that way for long." Maxie says.

"Well Maxie that is why I am here Nathan was just filling me in on what happened here today. I can't believe that Spinelli is actually considering taking this precious little girl away from you."

"I know Nathan and I tried everything to get him to understand that Georgie has been here for the past six months and how she is already in routine here. We even told him how could he try taking her away from all her family here, but they were just being completely unreasonable. They actually trying stating some crap about Georgie needing stability when she does have stability here with me and Nathan we both love her so much and we don't want to lose her. Plus they are the ones who just took off six months ago without even giving Georgie a second glance."

Diane looked at both of them and said, "Interesting. Well I do think that you two have a strong case and there is definitely that you could win, but before I file any paperwork I have to ask you one question and I want you to be completely honest with yourselves with this one."

Nathan looks at Diane and says, "Ok what is it?"

"Are you absolutely sure that you want to do this? Maxie you know better than anyone that these custody battles can get very ugly and that they bring out the worst side of people. Plus you know that after this is said and done that your relationship with Spinelli and Ellie will never be the same."

Maxie looked at Diane and said, "Diane I am absolutely sure I have to at least try to fight for Georgie I owe her that much I am her mother and I don't want to be away from her. And as far as I'm concerned when it comes to my relationship with Spinelli and Ellie I lost all respect for them when they showed up here and tried to force me to give up my little girl who I have been apart from for a whole year. I am not about to just give up my little girl to them so that they can go back to playing family with my daughter."

Diane then looked at Nathan and said, "Detective West how do you feel about this?"

"I am with Maxie on this one I have stepped into the father role for Georgie in the last six months and it has been the best feeling in the world. I owe it to her to fight for her she deserves that much. Georgie may not be my child biologically but I don't care about biology I love her as if she was my own child and that is how I see her. I am not about to let her be taken away from us I can't see Maxie go through that again and I don't even want to think about how that will affect Georgie she is already so attached to both of us and I can't sit around and give her up without a fight."

"Well alright that is all I needed to hear it is obvious that both of you just want what is best for little Georgie here, and I will go to the court house and file all the necessary papers. I will be in touch but in the mean time I suggest you alert all your loved one so that they can be on your side because this is going to be one nasty fight I can tell you that."

Nathan then says, "Don't worry Diane we have already warned everyone so they already know what is going on."

"Alright well I'm going to go file these papers and we will get together soon to talk strategy so I will be seeing you two very soon. While I am at it I am also going to file a motion that Georgie is to remain in the care of you two until this matter is resolved. And one more thing and I am saying this as a lawyer and friend please avoid any confrontation with Spinelli and Ellie until we go to court and if they approach you I want you to call me immediately."

Maxie and Nathan look at each other and then they say ti Diane, "We understand."

Diane then walks out of the front door and heads to the courthouse.

Nathan turns around and looks at Maxie and says, "Well I guess that i settled then."

"Yeah I guess so." Maxie says with a smile.

Nathan looks at Maxie and says, "What is with the big smile Jones?"

"Oh nothing it's just that I found that speech that you said about Georgie being your daughter no matter what biology says extremely sexy."

"Oh did you now."

"Yes I did. Plus it told me everything I already knew but it didn't hurt for me to hear you say it and I know Georgie feels the same way about you. Nathan you are her dad in every way that counts and that is why she loves you so much because you are always there for her."

They both looked at Georgie and in that moment they knew they had to do whatever is necessary to keep their child even if that meant playing a little dirty.

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