Part : 34

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A/N : thank me later for the double update...!!!


Jungkook cautiously lifted the hammer high up in the air and hit the lock. The lock broke and fell on the floor with a deafening sound.

He panicked and threw the hammer away then touched his stomach.

"Are you okay in there?" he questioned curiously. "Sorry that was a bit harsh but what can I do? Your dumb head daddy Didn't tell me where the key was."

At least he had the key of the previous Lock...

He grinned and patted his stomach when it growled in hunger. "Good. Keep growing And we'll be fine."

He closed his eyes and sighed loudly. He needed to get proper nutrients for himself so that he could have a healthy baby. No more breakfast specials from the restaurant and no more outside food.

He gulped inaudibly. He had to make food for both of them.

His face fell for a bit, but it went back to normal when he remembered the last time he went in there.he was so angry at himself because it had all started from the kitchen so he destroyed the whole place. The only thing he saw that morning was anger and guilt.

He sighed again. He opened the door and took a step back in surprise when he saw everything clean.

All the plates which he had broken were replaced with new ones, the cups and glasses were new, the floor was mopped clean and the counter was clean too. All the baskets on the kitchen counter which he had broken were replaced too.

Everything was in its place. Everything except a shirt which was lying on the floor.

His shirt to be precise.

Taehyung...f-faster! Please...s-so close!

He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge Of his nose. He didn't want to think about what happened to him that night. He picked up the shirt and threw it in the wastebasket. Then he placed his hand on his stomach.

"What do you want to eat? Mommy Will make something for you."

He had to make something for himself. . He looked around the kitchen again then went to the fridge and tried to ignore his wild heart beat. When was the last time he went to the kitchen and made something for himself? On the day of the accident. He remember the delicious gimbab he had made that afternoon and how happily he ate it all.

Hard to believe that two years later, he was making something for himself again.

His face dropped when he saw that everything in the refrigerator was either way too old or expired. It was stinking. There was some old cheese, old pastries, some canned food, expired bread and some vegetables which were rotten. The only thing he found healthy and eatable Was a packet of frozen peas and eggs . He shrugged. He could make wonders with these only.

He made scrambled egg he just added some peppers, salt, ginger and garlic and tossed it in the pan. It looks tasty. He couldn't believe he wanted to eat this!

He wiped his nose with a tissue paper, grabbed a spoon and dug in.

His thoughts went back to that night. What had actually happened to him? One moment he was working in his room and the other he was in his own bed with the elder. guess he just got too emotional when that jerkhead came to his room, holding that awful bitter cupcake.

He shook his head vigorously and pushed those thoughts away. He finished his dinner and did the dishes.

He went back to his room, took out a pen And a paper to jot the points he needed to Do.

A Chance To Make Things Right-(TaeKook- BXB) Cmplt✅Where stories live. Discover now